Chapter 72: Last Fight

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    Halftail laid curled around Fallowfern, trying to keep her warm. He knew that he wasn't doing a very good job because she kept shivering in her sleep. It wasn't long before Fallowfern sensed that Halftail was awake, causing her to raise her head.

    "You're up early," she commented and Halftail was pleased that the swelling had gone down dramatically.

    Halftail tilted his head. "How can you even tell the time? We're in space," he pointed out as he licked what appeared to be a still black and blue mark on her shoulder, directly under her fur.

    Fallowfern purred in amusement. "I have some tricks," she replied as she licked a paw and drew it over each of her ears in turn. "Besides, I've been living on ships for how many moons now?"

    Halftail nodded in understanding before he rose to his paws and tried to drag himself over to Kanan. "Kanan? Kanan, are you asleep?"

    "Not anymore," he muttered as he opened his eyes and looked over at Halftail. "Is something wrong?"

    Halftail shook his head. "I was just wondering if you could sense anything through the bond you have with Ezra," he pressed, hoping that he could.

    Kanan sighed. "No. I can't even feel anything through the force right now. How about you with either Keen or Swifttail?"

    Halftail lashed his tail in frustration before kinking it over his back. "No. I haven't felt anything, but that doesn't mean that they're not okay," he pointed out stubbornly.

    He turned to walk away, but a sharp gasp from Kanan caught Halftail in surprise. "Is that what happened with the Inquisitor," asked Kanan, stunned.

    Halftail blinked his eyes in embarrassment that Kanan had seen his injuries. Beside him, Fallowfern's eyes lit in sympathy. "Yes, well, I didn't think that it looked that bad. I haven't seen it," he confessed as he tried not to sound hurt.

    Fallowfern rose to her own paws and pressed against Halftail to try and comfort him. "I think that it looks great! At least it looks better than yesterday," she assured as she licked his ear tip.

    Halftail didn't believe her. "How does it really look, Fallowfern," he wondered as he longed to try and look at his back. He knew it felt awful with sharp pulses of pain flowing through him.

    Fallowfern kinked her tail over Halftail's back. "It's not bad at all, Halftail. Kanan just didn't see you when it first happened. It looks a lot better than yesterday."

    Halftail nodded before he lowered down and curled his tail around himself, suddenly not wanting Kanan nor Fallowfern to look at him. He couldn't stop them from looking, though, so he just sighed heavily. Fallowfern laid beside him with gentleness lighting in her eyes. "It's alright. You were still the handsome tom that walked in here."

    Halftail huffed in disagreement. Before he could say anything else, the door swung open the the Inquisitor walked in. Fallowfern hissed as he drew near, picking her up by the scruff and throwing her to the nearest Stormtrooper. "Get her out of my sight and bring her to the bridge. There's some things I need to discuss with her."

    "Fallowfern," cried Halftail. He bunched his muscles, ready to dart forward, but the Inquisitor used the force and pushed the chain back. Halftail went with the chain and lowered to the ground, shaking his head as he tried to clear it as he snapped against the pole.

    The Inquisitor lowered down beside Halftail and Halftail hissed as he bared his teeth in the beginning of a snarl. "Don't be that angry, Halftail, or should I call you Mietro?"

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