Chapter 69: Unexpected Help

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    Halftail awoke to a massive pain in his chest. He tried to raise a paw feebly and quickly realized that he couldn't. He blinked his eyes and realized he was laying on a metal bed with his paws clamped down as well as his half of a tail. His eyes managed to adjust to the light and he realized he was in a prison cell.

He turned his head and saw Kanan on a bed across from him. "Kanan," hissed Halftail in case they were being recorded. "Kanan, wake up!"

Kanan groaned as his eyes opened. He turned his head to the side and grumbled painfully. "Halftail, is that you?"

"No, it's Master Brist! Yes, it's me," snapped Halftail, being more short than he meant to. He shook his head a bit before he blinked his eyes a few more times. "What happened?"

Kanan's head slumped to the side. "The Inquisitor captured us and that's all that I remember. They must have given me something to make me sleep."

Halftail knew that he had been given something to sleep as well, but not in the same way. Before he could say anything else, the doors opened and a silver and white lynx strode forward. She had a satchel slung over her shoulder, which she seemed protective over. She stopped beside Halftail and looked up at him.

"How are you feeling?" Her eyes shone bright blue and it reminded Halftail of Swifttail's and Bine's eyes.

Halftail let out a growl. "Why do you care?"

The lynx seemed a bit taken aback. "Because I'm the one who did your surgery," she answered as she undid Halftail's paws from where they were bound.

Halftail sat up and ran his paws over where he had been bound. "Surgery. I had surgery," he meowed in shock as his eyes narrowed. "And you did it?"

The lynx nodded as she opened her satchel and Halftail saw numerous needles and vials of liquid in there. "You came here in pretty bad shape, but I fixed you up and you should be alright now."

Halftail wasn't sure about that. He was in immense pain, but he wasn't about to complain. "Thanks for saving my life. I know how bad of shape I was in."

The lynx smiled before she dipped her head. "No problem. I'm Fallowfern by the wall."

Halftail dipped his head back. "I'm Halftail, but you probably already knew that." He watched as she began to flick the point of a needle. "What is that?"

Fallowfern's eyes flickered upward. "It's pain medication. You're up a bit earlier than I expected. You must have something that you're fighting for."

Halftail nodded slowly. "You have no idea." He then waited as Fallowfern extended a paw and took Halftail's paw as she began to rub where she would insert the needle.

"Now try not to squirm and this should be over quickly," she told him as she inserted one needle and injected some serum before doing it a few more times with different needles.

Halftail hated needles, even though he used them everyday, and just wanted it to be over. "This isn't all pain medication," he mumbled as his head began to feel as if it had been stuffed with fur. "What is it?"

Fallowfern's eyes lit in sympathy. "Some things that they want me to give you to mellow you down a bit. They're afraid you can be a little out of control."

Halftail tried to fight it. The medication took over before he could. "Why work for them when you know all the bad things that they're doing," he inquired as his tongue almost rolled from his mouth because of how swollen it was.

Fallowfern smiled pathetically at Halftail. "I'm sorry Halftail, I don't have a choice," she confessed ass she discarded the needles in her bag. "Now try and get some rest and don't strain yourself. I know you won't like what will happen if you do something painful to yourself."

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