Chapter 37: This Is Where I Met Her

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    About a moon later, things had sort of returned to normal. Everyone was doing what they needed to on the ship and just enjoying some downtime on Lothal. Birchfoot and Swifttail were sorting herbs and some different medicines they had found on other planets. Adlerleaf and Keen were practicing some battle moves in the hanger bay. Sabine was painting in her room, Zeb was sleeping in his, while Hera and Chopper flew the Ghost. Kanan was checking the remainder of the supplies while Bluefeather and Molis snoozed a few paces from Adlerleaf and Keen. Halftail was laying in the back of the hanger, imagining Bine laying beside him.

Halftail suddenly heard Ezra. He had no idea what Ezra had gotten himself into, but apparently it wasn't good and it involved Chopper. Halftail stifled a groan as he rose to his paws and began to climb the ladder. "What's going on," he complained as a growl began to roll in his throat.

Chopper exploded forward and shocked Halftail. Halftail convulsed as he fell from the ladder on his back, landing with a heavy thud. He muttered under his breath as he rose to his paws and shook out his fur. "On second thought I don't care," he grumbled as he stalked forward and saw Keen actually hold Adlerleaf down for a bit. "Great job Keen!"

Adlerleaf managed to toss him aside gingerly before she rose to her paws. "He's getting better and better everyday. You should be very impressed."

"I am," assured Halftail before he looked at Keen. "But can you beat a puma like me?"

Keen's eyes glowed as he abandoned Adlerleaf and wiggled his haunches as he stood across from Halftail. "You bet," he snarled playfully. "I'm the most powerful wolf here!"

"Hey," barked Bluefeather as she opened one eye.

Keen blushed. "I mean the most powerful wolf after Bluefeather."

Adlerleaf snorted in amusement as she stalked forward. "You do realize that you and Bluefeather are the only other wolves here. Molis is an Anooba, so he doesn't count."

Keen thought for a heartbeat before Halftail bounded forward and pushed him backwards with a paw to the face while keeping his claws sheathed. Keen was a bit taken back and his eyes widened. "Ready now," Halftail taunted

"Don't go too rough," rasped Molis as he opened his eyes. "Halftail still has his breathing problem."

Halftail narrowed his eyes. He still was coughing up blood and no one could tell him what was wrong. It wasn't as intense, but when he was playfighting it could sometimes slow him down. "I'll be fine, Molis, really."

Molis didn't seem convinced for a heartbeat. He narrowed his eyes and looked like he wanted to say something more, but Bluefeather touched her nose to his ear. He seemed to mellow out as he rested his head on his paws before Bluefaether rested her head beside his.

Keen suddenly surged forward, ready to rake his paws against Halftail's side. Halftail leaped backwards just in time and reared up, throwing his whole body weight on Keen. He crushed him easily and Keen yelped. Once Halftail rose to his paws and let Keen out, Keen leaped on Halftail's back. Halftail turned and sunk his teeth into Keen's paw and hauled him off of his back. He threw him to the ground while Keen tried to push Halftail up, but Halftail was stronger than him, much stronger than him. He ended up laying on his back with Halftail pressing his paws against his chest.

"I give up. I give up," puffed Keen as exhaustion showed in his eyes.

Halftail purred as he allowed Keen up. "You'll get there. You managed to pin Adlerleaf for a few heartbeats and that's a great sign. She's a pretty strong cat."

Before he could say anything else, he heard Zeb snarl and bolt after Ezra and Chopper. "What is-" Keen began but Halftail just waved a paw.

"It's better not to ask," he suggested as he pushed forward and lowered into a crouch, his back arching as he stretched. "Why don't you practice again with Adlerleaf?"

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