Chapter 16: Help From Outsiders

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Swifttail crept forward, leaping on a pebble. It skidded forward and fell away from him. He frowned and was about to dart toward it, but Halftail thrust a paw on his son's tail and drew him back.

Swifttail looked back and smiled sheepishly. "What did I tell you about staying close to one of us," snapped Halftail as he narrowed his eyes.

Swifttail sat upward and shuffled his paws. "I'm sorry. I just want to pounce," he meowed into his chest fur in embarrassment.

Halftail turned to Kanan, who was leading the group, and dipped his head. Kanan strode forward with Zeb at his side. Molis strode at Sabine's and Sorrel's side. Halftail and Swifttail brought up the rear and Halftail realized how strange it was to walk at his son's side and not his mate's side.

They managed to rent a speeder, but Swifttail seemed hesitant as to riding on one. "It's alright," meowed Halftail into his son's ear. "I've been in one of these numerous times and nothing ever happened. I promise that everything is going to be alright."

Swifttail didn't look like he believed him, but Halftail gave him a gentle shove and he stumbled into the speeder. Halftail leaped after him and the door closed. It was a little snug, but Halftail didn't need that much space. Swifttail didn't want anything to do with the speeder, but Halftail managed to coax him to look over the doors and look at the beauties that Coruscant had to offer.

"Isn't it beautiful," prodded Halftail as his breath made the fur on Swifttail's spine stand on end.

Swifttail looked around as they lowered into the Underworld. "Yeah, but where are we going. It's starting to smell weird," complained Swifttail as he wrinkled his nose.

Halftail knew what Swifttail was talking about, but he had almost gotten used to it. He used to live on this planet. "You'll get used to it in a little bit," assured Halftail as he looked over to Sorrel, who's eyes were widened in surprise. She had never been to Coruscant either.

"You used to live here," grumbled Sorrel as she pressed a paw against her nose. "I can't believe it!"

"We didn't live down here," chided Kanan as they continued downward. "We were in a giant building, toward the sky so the air was a lot fresher."

Zeb chuckled as he thought about where Kanan and Halftail used to live. "And you make fun of where I live? This place is much worse."

Sabine and Sorrel let out nods of agreement while Swifttail let out a sneeze to try and clear his nostrils. Halftail looked past Swifttail to see the ground below. Kanan landed the speeder and Swifttail was the first one out, feeling a jolt through his paws as he landed. Halftail leaped down beside him and blinked his eyes as drunk aliens lumbered past, nearly stepping on both of them.

Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, Sorrel, and Molis leaped from the speeder. Swifttail tried to draw forward, but Halftail sunk his teeth into his son's scruff and hauled him backwards. "What did I say? Stay with us. This can be a dangerous place," he growled before he let his son go and Swifttail shook his head to clear it.

Kanan looked around through narrowed eyes. Sabine placed on her helmet while Zeb stalked around. Molis lowered to the ground with Sorrel copying his movements. Swifttail tried, but he was louder than when he walked. Halftail just picked him up by the scruff and allowed him to ride on his back. Swifttail sunk his claws into Halftail's shoulder to keep him from sliding off.

They strode forward silently and once then stopped, Halftail allowed for Swifttail to leap from his shoulders. "Why did we stop," inquired Swifftail.

Sorrel looked over her shoulder toward him. "Kanan found the supplies we are looking for," she answered over her shoulder. "We just need to wait for the moment and-"

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