End Of Season One

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(I decided to break up the seasons a bit and I'll do that by inserting a smaller story that I didn't go in detail in the book)

Swifttail's Proposal

Swifttail stretched out of the Ghost as it lay in the outskirts of Lothal. He kinked his tail over his back as he strode forward as the scent of warm prey made his mouth water. He jumped into the grass and it tickled his pelt, causing him to purr.

Swifttail suddenly turned as he caught scent of Adlerleaf. She plunged down from the hanger and wove around Swifttail. Swifttail took in as much of her wild yet delicate scent as he could.

"Are you going out to hunt," Adlerleaf inquired as she allowed her tail to curve around Swifttail's jaw a bit. "May I come with you?"

Swifttail gave a vigorous nod but he really didn't want to go hunting now that Adlerleaf was standing right beside him. "How about we go for a walk first," he suggested hopefully.

Adlerleaf gave a shrug. "Sure. Whatever you prefer," she meowed.

Swifttail started forward with Adlerleaf right beside. They walked on in silence for as long as they could before Adlerleaf couldn't take it anymore. "Is there something that you want to talk to me about? We usually don't just go for a walk," she pointed out as she kinked her tail over her back.

Swifttail's brain was swimming. There was so much he wanted to talk to Adlerleaf about but it was just so difficult to actually say it. "I know but we really don't get a lot of alone time. Halftail is always breathing down our necks."

Adlerleaf purred in amusement. "He's just worried about you because he cares about you. You're the only one of his kits still alive you know."

Swifttail blushed a bit in embarrassment. "Why are you so nice to him?"

Adlerleaf shrugged. "Probably because I feel bad for him. I mean he lost his mate and two kits. That has to be extremely difficult," she pointed out.

Swifttail really didn't know because he hadn't known his littermates or his mother at all before they died. "I suppose it was for him so I think that's why he's er sometimes hard to get along with."

"You two seem to get along pretty well. He certainly cares for you. That much is obvious," she meowed as she touched her nose to his ear. "I wish I still had my parents with me. You don't know what you have until they're gone."

Swifttail frowned. This wasn't a conversation he wanted to keep having. He just ended up making himself and Adlerleaf feel worse than they need to. He puffed out his chest a bit before he turned and swiped a paw playfully against Adlerleaf's shoulder. She gasped as she stumbled sideways and landed on the ground.

She looked up to Swifttail in shock. He lowered into a crouch and wiggled his haunches playfully and purred. Adlerleaf rose to her paws before she leaped for Swifttail, claws sheathed. Swifttail dodged easily but Adlerleaf was fast and she leaped onto Swifttail's back and brought him to the ground. Swifttail thrust his head against Adlerleaf's chest and Adlerleaf fell backwards.

Swifttail sprang onto her but Adlerleaf was ready and the two rolled. Adlerleaf managed to pin Swifttail and she purred warmly. "Got ya! Do you surrender, Swifttail?"

Swifttail let out a playful growl. "Never!" Adlerleaf pressed a paw against his throat and he gagged. "Alright. Alright! Just get off me!"

Adlerleaf purred as she leaped off of Swifttail and helped him to his paws. "Perhaps you should try and work on some battle moves instead of just Jedi training."

Swifttail shook dust and grass from his pelt. "That's not for me to decide what Halftail and I work on. He is the Master and I'm the apprentice."

Adlerleaf chuckled. "It's strange to hear you call yourself an apprentice," she mewed before she licked Swifttail's chin before she bounded forward.

"Adlerleaf, wait!"

Adlerleaf turned and tilted her head in confusion. "Do you need something?"

Swifttail nodded as he strode forward with bright and unblinking eyes. He sighed heavily as nervousness coursed through him. "I wanted to ask you something."

Adlerleaf sat across with him and curled her tail around her paws. "Shoot."

Swifttail settled down at well and struggled to find a way to speak. "You know that we've known each other for a long time now," he began but wasn't really sure where he was going.

Adlerleaf smiled a bit. "Yeah, we have. Is there a point to this."

"Of course," mewed Swifttail as he raised a paw and flicked it. "What I'm trying to say or really ask is will you be my mate?"

Adlerleaf's eyes widened in total and complete shock. Once the initial shock wore off she smiled and nodded. "I would love that, Swifttail."

Swifttail and Adlerleaf rose to their paws before they pressed against each other and they stood there for a while. Swifttail then drew back and sighed. "I don't want anyone to know, though, for at least a while."

Adlerleaf seemed a bit nervous about that. "And why not? Is it so bad if they find out?"

"No, but I don't want my father to know. You know that he doesn't approve of us for Starbound knows why. It will just be easier if we wait," he meowed, hoping that she'd understand.

Adlerleaf didn't seem fully alright with it but she didn't argue. "Alright, as long as you promise to tell them eventually. I don't want us expecting kits and then still not knowing."

Swifttail's heart beat madly in his heart. "Y-You want kits," stammered Swifttail in awe.

Adlerlead nodded. "I do. Don't you?" Her voice sounded tired and sad.

Swifttail nodded vigorously before he touched his nose to Adlerleaf's nose. "Of course I do! I just didn't know that you wanted kits. We'll have the most wonderful kits in the universe."

"I would really like that," breathed Adlerleaf as she wound around her mate. "I love you, Swifttail, and I always will."

Swifttail felt for the first time in forever totally at ease.

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