Chapter 47: Loyalties Tested

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    Swifttail scrunched his eyes tight while his stomach flipped. His claws extended and he struggled to breathe as the Phantom jerked and swerved all over. The only thing that made it bearable was that Adlerleaf was sitting across from him as was Sabine. Ezra was sitting next to her and he looked almost pale.

    Sabine was becoming more antsy than Swifttail and Adlerleaf was. "Hera, shouldn't we, I don't know, shoot back," she offered as the Phantom jerked again and Swifttail was nearly thrown forward once more.

    Hera didn't look backwards as she called over her shoulder. "It's all part of the plan!"

    "How is this part of the plan," argued Adlerleaf as she squeezed her eyes shut, her stomach churning thanks to the sudden motion.

    Ezra looked over at her. "I agree with Adlerleaf. If the plan is to be shot out of the sky then we're doing an amazing job," he muttered.

    Hera smiled and let out a laugh. "Ezra, you should know by now-" She trailed off as she started to fire back at the TIE fighter. She hit it dead on and when it exploded, Swifttail let out a breath of relief. He felt so helpless and this was certainly not how he wanted to feel.

    Once the flight became a bit smoother they all got up and Swifttail pressed against Adlerleaf, making sure that she was alright.

    Hera turned her head as Ezra neared. "There isn't any Imperial Officer that can fly better than me," she boasted as she pointed to herself.

    "What about Bluefeather," inquired Adlerleaf as she drew forward, her muzzle thrust close to Hera. Hera had been training Bluefeather around the clock and she had learned some important skills. However, Swifttail wasn't sure that she was as good as Hera, at least not yet.

    Hera shrugged. "I said imperial officer," she corrected.

    "When are you going to show me some of those moves," inquired Ezra as he leaned forward with curiosity and interest sparkling in his eyes.

    Hera looked back with amusement glowing in her gaze. "I'm not sure if you're ready for this," she argued as she let go of the steering a bit. "Do you really think you're ready for this?"

    Ezra nodded before Swifttail gaped and everyone else looked forward. His eyes stretched wide and he began to shake his head. "Not ready! Not ready!"

    TIEs were coming on them again, and Swifttail took a step back in horror. He knew that it would do nothing, but anxiousness was making his mind fuzzy. "We're going to die. We're going to die!"

    Hera looked back and rolled her eyes. "Have some faith, Swifttail. You trust my flying abilities, don't you," she asked in a voice that made Swifttail want to agree, but at the same time, TIEs were flying their way. Adlerleaf seemed just as daunted as he was and she pressed closer to him, their fur brushing.

    They swerved and Swifttail fell into Adlerleaf, the strong she-cat keeping both of them on their paws. Embarrassment washed over him and he looked up to her with humiliation glittering in his usual bright blue eyes. "I'm so sorry," he rambled as he sat up as he gave his chest fur a few embarrassed licks, unable to look Adlerleaf in the eyes.

    "It's alright. It could have happened to me too," she meowed sympathetically. She stole another glance at Swifttail, but the bright eyed tom wasn't looking in her direction.

    "Hey, can you save the love for a different time," broke in Ezra fiercely. Now it was time for both of them to blush madly and take a step away from each other.

    Hera banked hard. "Now Ezra, there's nothing wrong with them showing affection toward each other. Aren't you still trying to win over Sabine?"

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