Chapter 29: Worries Expressed

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    Halftail pushed his way into the Ghost and gulped a bit as he saw Adlerleaf and Birchfoot talking, their heads bowed together urgently. "Is everything alright," he asked as he stopped at Adlerleaf's side. "Did you receive any credits for the supplies that we stole?"

    Birchfoot waved his tail. "Follow me. You should probably ask Kanan what's going on. He's the one with the plans," he answered as he strained himself as he rose to his paws.

    Swifttail followed his father with the snake hanging from his jaws. "I brought this from our hunt," he mumbled as he dropped it in front of Birchfoot.

    Birchfoot looked down at the snake and forced a purr. "Thank you Swifttail. It was very kind of you to think of me. Do you want some?"

    Swifttail shook his head. "Dad and I already ate. You go ahead," he meowed as he dipped his head.

    "Come on," meowed Halftail as he pushed his head against Swifttail's shoulder. "Kanan probably wants us in there sooner rather than later."

    Swifttail dipped his head once more to Birchfoot before he strode into the common room. They took their seats and after a few heartbeats Birchfoot and Adlerleaf joined them.

    "We were informed that the Wookies have been captured by the Empire," explained Kanan once everyone was settled. "They're on an Imperial ship as we speak."

    Halftail's eyes lit in surprise. "I knew a Wookie Jedi once. He saved my life. I owe his kind for that," he murmured as he shook his head gravely

    Zeb looked at his feet. "They tried to help my kind when the Empire moved in. They even saved a few of my people," he sighed heavily.

    "They saved my kind too," agreed Hera as Zeb exchanged a glance with her. They did have an understanding.

    Kanan stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Then we're certainly going to have to help them."

    "Well we can't go charging in. We need a-" Adlerleaf began to speak, but she was cut off by something traveling through the vents.

    Halftail turned his ears upward. "What in the galaxy is that," he muttered as he looked to Swifttail, but Swifttail had no idea what it was either.

    Suddenly there was a thud followed by Chopper's beeping. Halftail turned in surprise and saw Bluefeather standing over Chopper as he struggled to push her off of him. Halftail tilted his head as Kanan opened a small housing door and he saw Keen and Ezra on the floor.

    Keen and Ezra tried to push themselves up the ventilation shaft, but Zeb darted forward and pulled them both out and threw them on the ground. Keen gasped a bit and he went to rush out of the room, but Halftail and Swifttail blocked his path. He lowered his head in his shoulders and fear sparked through his eyes.

    "No where to run now," taunted Halftail as he extended his claws. "What are you going to do now?"

    Bluefeather darted forward and pushed her head against Halftail's chest. "If you lay a claw on him I'll sink my teeth so far in your throat that they'll come out your neck!"

    Halftail wasn't taken back by her threat. "I'd like to see you try," he shot back before he looked over to Keen, who was cowering behind Bluefeather. "You better start standing up for yourself and stop allowing your mother to."

    "She's not my mother," argued Keen indigently.

    Halftail rolled his eyes. "Whoever is defending you then. You need to learn to stick up and protect yourself," he explained in a gentler tone.

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