Chapter 27: Friends or Enimies? Probably Both

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    Present Day

    Halftail opened his eyes and found that he was back on the Ghost. He realized he had an oxygen mask on him so he pushed it off swiftly.

    "Halftail, you can't do that," snapped Birchfoot as he muttered something under his breath that Halftail couldn't catch. "That's the only thing that's keeping your oxygen saturation up!"

    Halftail turned his head and saw Swifttail looking over at his father with fear in his eyes. Halftail could guess that Swifttail had probably been the one to bring him back to the Ghost.

    Halftail narrowed his eyes a bit as he tried to look down at the mask. "Where's Kanan," he panted, him and Swifttail always the first on his mind.

    Swifttail drew forward and licked his father's cheek. "He's fine. Everyone's fine and the kid is actually here onboard, with those two wolves actually."

    That didn't make Halftail feel much better. Before he could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Halftail faintly lifted his head and he saw Kanan, the kid, and the wolves clustered at the entrance.

    "Come on in," meowed Birchfoot as he limped forward, his foot dragging behind him since it was too painful for him to lift it. "But don't stay long. I have enough bodies always crowding my room without all of you adding to it!"

    Swifttail took a step forward and dipped his head. "Sorry. Birchfoot can be a little grumpy sometimes, but he means well. He's just kind of stressed," he apologized as he turned and strode over to Halftail and licked his cheek to try and perk him up a bit for his visitors.

    Kanan smiled a bit. "It's okay. Grumpiness is allowed on this ship as long as it doesn't turn destructive or violent," he chuckled as he shot Birchfoot a gentle look.

    Birchfoot lowered down and touched his nose to some herbs that he had brought out for Halftail distractedly. "Birchfoot," chuckled the kid as he rolled his eyes.

    Birchfoot flattened his ears against his head his his lips peeled back in the beginning of a snarl. "What's your name, smart guy?"

    "Ezra," he answered as he crossed his arms and stood backwards a bit. "And this is Bluefeather." He nodded to the beautiful blue furred wolf with white feathers. "And Keen." He pointed to the smaller of the two. This wolf was more grayish than blue, but had startling blue eyes.

    "Ezra," repeated Birchfoot as he sat back on his haunches as he licked a paw and drew it over his ear. "Nice name. Much nicer than my name. However, that's what happened when you get injured."

    Halftail saw Ezra as well as the wolf's eyes widened so he growled a bit. "Don't scare them," he sputtered as saliva dripped from his gaping mouth a bit, wheezing as he took in some oxygen from the mask. "If you get an injury you don't have to be named after it and Birchfoot isn't named after his injury."

    Kanan sat down and looked to Ezra. "Do you want to sit down too? It's the most polite thing to do," he told him, but Halftail thought it was a little too late for the whole manners thing with him.

    Ezra obeyed though as did Bluefeather and Keen. "What's wrong with him," asked Ezra as he looked toward Halftail.

    A growl rolled in Halftail's throat as he looked over to Birchfoot. "Take this stupid thing off. I'm fine, now," he assured and he hoped that it was true.

    Birchfoot seemed reluctant, but he wasn't about to argue with him right now. He sunk his teeth into the back of Halftail's mask and pulled it off the older tom's face. Halftail looked up to Ezra quizzically. "There's numerous things wrong with me," he coughed. "Where would you like to begin?"

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