Chapter 18: Talking It Out

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    Once they arrived back on the Ghost with Birch and Adler, Hera sighed. "Soon this ship isn't going to be able to fit anyone else," she teased before she nodded at Birch and Adler. "But it's a pleasure to meet both of you."

    "I'm going to be a healer," chanted Swifttail as he darted forward and looked over to Chopper. "Can you believe it?"

    Chopper let out some beeps before he pushed Swifttail, making him laugh a bit as he pushed Chopper back. Chopper shocked Swifttail and Swifftail growled as he launched himself at Chopper, but missed, sending himself flying into the wall.

    "Let's go, Chopper," muttered Hera as she strode toward the cockpit. "Coruscant isn't a place you want to stay unless you have to."

    Chopper reluctantly followed and Swifttail shook his head to clear it. Adler turned and looked to Sorrel and Swifttail. "How about for today we teach you both some battle moves that I learned from my pride?"

    Swifttail's eyes glowed and he nodded before Sorrel darted toward Swifttail. Kanan nodded over to Zeb. "How about we go and check the Phantom?" Zeb was about to say something, but Kanan elbowed him and Zeb nodded while rubbing at his side. Molis followed and that left Birch and Halftail alone.

    "May I speak with you," inquired Birch as he tilted his head hopefully.

    Halftail wasn't sure why, but if they were going to be on the crew together, then he supposed that he should get to know Birch. He looked around. "Is there any specific place you would like to go?"

    Birch shook his head. "You can decide. It is your ship. You know it better than I do."

    Halftail nodded and he realized he felt tightness in his body. He hadn't been able to take his medication today. They would have to do it in his and Kanan's room. "Follow me. You'll have to climb. Tell me if you need help."

    Halftail thought that Birch was too proud to ask for help, but on the second wrung he looked up, panting hard. "Could I have some help," he asked in embarrassment.

    Halftail nodded as he turned and sunk his teeth into Birch's scruff. He may look large, but he was only skin and bones with minimal strength in his muscles. "You'll get used to it soon," assured Halftail though Birch's thick scruff. Once he hauled Birch to the top of the ladder, he released him. Once Birch caught his breath, he nodded in appreciation to Halftail.

    Halftail waved a paw in the direction they were going and he saw that his paw was shaking madly. He had to make it to the room, and quickly. He broke into a trot and Birch's eyes widened a bit. "Slow down," pleaded Birch, but Halftail barely heard.

    He darted into the door and surged toward his bag. He rummaged through it and found his syringe. Birch showed at the door and his eyes widened as Halftail jabbed it into his foreleg. Once he released the liquid from the entire syringe, he slumped downward, sighing heavily.

    "Are you alright," gasped Birch as his ears stood up straight on his head.

    Halftail looked over to Birch. "I'm fine," he rasped as he tossed the syringe away, growling under his breath. "I just needed to get my meds."

    "You're ill," meowed Birch in surprise as he dragged himself forward, his lame leg bumping against the ground. "I would have never guessed."

    Halftail curled his lip. "No one does," he panted as he lowered down, his paws still twitching at his body struggled to calm down. "It's not something that I choose to advertise."

    Birch sat down and wrapped his tail around three of his paws while his lame one thrust outward. "I hope that Starbound cures you if medicine can't."

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