Chapter 98: They're Here!

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    "Kits," echoed Birchfoot, his ears ringing. His mouth gaped open in shock as he bounded forward with Swifttail right behind. Kanan thought about following, but he thought better of it. He knew that this was probably as private as private gets.

Birchfoot turned to Swifttail. "Lead the way!"

Swifttail dipped his head as he bounded forward with Birchfoot at his side. They made their way to the hanger and brushed against each other as they ran in the compact hallways. They went to the hanger and Birchfoot saw his sister laying on the blankets, Adlerleaf's blood soaking them through.

Alarm showed on his face as he arched his neck and looked down at Adlerleaf. "Okay, we're going to have to do this now," he announced as he pressed a paw against his sister's underbelly. She let out a screech of agony at the light touch. "These kits are coming now!"

"No," whimpered Adlerleaf as her eyes stretched wide in pain. "Please."

"I'm sorry, Adlerleaf," chided Birchfoot as he urged her to lay down, even though she was almost laying down anyway. Blood continued to flow from her and her face twisted in agony.

Worry showed deep in Birchfoot's eyes. "Swifttail, I need you to get some water. She's going to need all of her strength."

Swifttail stood rigid in terror, tears pooling in his eyes when he looked at his mate. His lips were dry and he shook as he stood.

"Swifttail," snarled Birchfoot. "Now!"

Swifttail shook his head to break himself from his trance as he turned and bounded forward with his tail trailing against the ground.

Birchfoot looked to his sister as soon as Swifttail left and grasped her paw tightly with his own. "We're going to get through this, Adlerleaf, but you have to stay with me. You can't give up."

It wasn't long before Swifttail came back with a piece of cloth that he had drenched in water. It would be the best way for Adlerleaf to be able to drink, since she couldn't manage much. He set it down and nudged it toward her muzzle as she gave a few feeble licks.

"Do you need me to do anything else," asked Swifttail.

"Go and get Bluefeather. She might be able to help out with this," Birchfoot replied, stretching and reaching for something for him to do. If he was around Adlerleaf, she was just going to get nervous and she didn't need this right now. She was going to struggle to give birth as it was.

Swifttail gulped, a whimper rolling in his throat as he turned and bounded forward. Birchfoot watched him go as he nudged the water soaked cloth back toward his littermate. She licked at it some more before she let out a choking sound as she arched her back slightly and moaned in agony.

Birchfoot thrust a paw over his sister to hold her still. "You have to try not to move. You just need to focus."

"I can't do this," whimpered Adlerleaf. "I'm not ready!"

"I'm afraid that it doesn't matter now. These kits are coming whether you like it or not," pointed out Birchfoot gently as he licked her between the ears.

Adlerleaf gave her head a small shake. "I can't!"

"You have to. Do this for your kits. They're almost ready," reasoned Birchfoot as he looked behind her. A pool of blood was starting to show and he wondered if the kits were even still alive. He couldn't imagine how it would feel if they were stillborn.

Adlerleaf let out a low shriek as she tried to bury her nose into the blankets. Her stomach rippled as Birchfoot pressed a paw gingerly on it. "Okay, the contractions are getting longer and less time between them. At the next one I need you to push with it, alright?"

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