Chapter 97: Stories from Beyond

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    "Hey, I got that!"

Adlerleaf spun and smiled when she saw her mate rapidly approaching her. She released the blanket that she had been dragging and rolled her eyes when Swifttail sunk his teeth into it and tugged it away from her.

"Swifttail, I appreciate it, but I can do it on my own. I'm not due for another moon," pointed out Adlerleaf as she followed her mate, swaying a bit under the weight of her enlarged underbelly when she walked.

Swifttail pulled the blanket to where Bine had given birth to Swifttail and where Adlerleaf wanted to give birth. "I know, but I don't want you to have any extra stress! You deserve to have an easy time and I intend to give that to you."

Swifttail pulled himself close to Adlerleaf and intertwined his tail with hers, pulling her close. "I love you more than anything, Adlerleaf. I'm going to love our kits just as much. I promise to be the best father that I can be."

"I know that you will, Swifttail."

Halftail suddenly came forward and swung his head to the side. "I hate to break this up, but I need you, Swifttail. Ezra has some sort of thing that he needs us to do. You in?"

Swifttail nodded as he licked Adlerleaf on the side of her face. "I'll be fine here. Maybe I can keep Birchfoot company," she told him.

"I love you," murmured Swifttail before he turned and bounded after his father. The two of them joined each other as Bluefeather, Hera, Ezra, Zeb, Molis, Keen, and Kanan were already waiting for the two of them.

"What's the mission," asked Molis gruffly as he wrinkled his nose slightly and licked his paw, drawing it over his ears.

Ezra and Keen exchanged a glance. "Well, you're just going to have to see. It's hard to explain," explained Ezra while Keen nodded vigorously in agreement.

Halftail rolled his eyes. Ezra and Keen were sometimes secretive, but this was even a lot for them. "Okay, well, let's get this over with. The sooner we complete this, the sooner we can get back. He gave Swifttail a pointed look and smiled thankfully.

Hera nodded as she took the controls with Bluefeather at her side. Ezra and Keen steered them where they needed to go while Halftail watched Swifttail pace in a tight circle. His ears plastered against his head and Halftail couldn't help but snort in amusement. His son was horrible at hiding his emotions.

"Swifttail, there's nothing to be worried about. We'll be gone a few heartbeats at the most and Adlerleaf isn't due for another moon," he pointed out.

Swifttail spiraled around to face Halftail with his lip curled. "You said it yourself before that anything can happen. She could be early and I don't want to miss anything."

"You won't. I'm sure of it! Besides, Birchfoot is with her and he won't let anything happen to her," Halftail agreed with his whiskers twitching.

Swifttail hung his head as the Ghost touched down. Halftail led Swifttail forward with the rest of the group following. There was whispering behind them as Ezra and Keen pushed to the front. Molis growled when Keen stepped on his paw and Keen smiled shyly.

"We better lead," Ezra suggested.

Halftail gave a small bow and motioned him forward. "Be my quest."

Keen dipped his head in respect as Ezra and him took the lead from Swifttail and Halftail. They emerged from the Ghost and made their way into the hallways of an Imperial Station. The scent of Stormtroopers hung in the air and it made Halftail growl in agitation.

"It better be good, whatever we're coming for," called Zeb from the back. "It's a huge risk coming here!"

Swifttail nodded in quiet agreement as he lowered his head into his shoulders and lashed his tail against the ground. "Yes, we need to hurry."

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