Chapter 23: Wild Instincts

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    Halftail awoke the next day and realized that Molis was still standing watch. He rose to his paws and knew that he should relieve him. He strode to his friend's side and the smell of prey enticed him. He had been having awful rations and other despicable food that they had managed to find. However, when he was younger, he knew that fresh prey had been delectable. He missed that.

    "You smell it too," commented Molis with bright eyes.

    Halftail gave a nod. "Oh yeah." A thought popped into his head no matter how foolish. "Do you want to hunt with me?"

    Molis rose to his own paws and shook out his pelt. "It was be my pleasure," he rumbled before he turned and saw Adler sitting with her paws tucked under her chin. "Do you think we should bring Adler?"'

    Halftail knew that she was still grieving for Sorrel and that could make her predictable. However, she was still an excellent hunter. He gave a nod before he stalked forward as quietly as possible, trying not to wake up anyone else. He lowered down and pushed his nose against her cheek. "Adler. Adler wake up," he breathed in her ear.

    Adler twitched her ear before she looked up at Halftail. "Halftail," she mumbled sleepily. "Do you need something?"

    He nodded. "Molis and I are going hunting. We were wondering if you wanted to join us," he invited as Molis gave a vigorous nod.

    Adler couldn't help but purr. "Yes, please!" She darted to her paws, a new spring in her step. She lumbered forward and Halftail followed, pleased that she seemed to be a little happier now.

    Halftail looked to Molis. "You lead since you have the best sense of smell," he instructed.

    Molis rumbled in delight before he set off with Halftail and Adler right behind. They weren't the most impressive hunting party, but they would have to do. It wasn't long before Molis found a large creature with antlers on it's head and a few spikes down it's neck for protection from predators.

    "Be careful," whispered Molis as he went on one side of it while Halftail went right in front. Adler went behind and once everyone was ready she let out a snarl and surged forward. She leaped with claws outstretched and she sunk her claws and teeth into the creature's haunch.

    The creature cried out in agony as it darted forward. Halftail was ready and he jumped, latching onto the creature's neck. His claws dug in deep as he felt flesh slice from under him. Molis was on the other side and he made the creature stumble by snapping vigorously at the creature's legs. Once the creature fell, Halftail dodged the spikes and sunk his teeth into the neck once more, finding the windpipe quickly. Halftail made quick work in snapping the windpipe easily under his strong jaws. He drew back with blood dripping from his muzzle. He threw his head back as he let out a yowl of glee. Molis howled back with his back arching.

    "Great job," praised Halftail as he looked at Adler. "Now that's how a pride hunts!"

    Adler puffed out her fur. "I can't wait to tell Birch that I hunted with a pride," she boasted before she eyed the creature with worried eyes. "How are we going to take this back to the cave?"

    Halftail realized that she had a point. Molis seemed to have a plan, though. He strode over to the haunch and began tearing. "We'll take as much as we can back and we'll leave the rest for whatever scavengers are here as a peace offering. Whether or not they take it is another matter."

    Halftail and Molis nodded while Halftail tore a chunk from the shoulder and Adler from the stomach. She managed to grab the intestines and the liver. They lumbered back to the cave and, by this time, most of the crew was awake, except for Birch and Swifttail.

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