(2) La verdad

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9 years ago

"I'm going to miss you." Kevin said hugging you tight.

You had to move to America for a better life for you and your mom. You dad wasn't in the picture, he left a long time ago and didn't look back. Time to time it did hurt, knowing that your dad is gone and no father figure is there. Though you had to push through the pain and struggles. That's mainly why you and Kevin were so close, you guys both didn't have a father.

You and Kevin related to a lot of things, from the same taste of clothing to the same age of puberty hit. It's like you guys were bounded to be together as family, and you see him as brother, and he sees you as a sister.

Now, your 13 years old and moving to America. Sure you were nervous, very nervous, but that didn't stop you from trying to look at the positive things. Like, more opportunities, and more people to socialize with. You never liked socializing, but sometimes you need to push yourself out the comfort zone.

You were mostly excited for this, the way you pictured it, you have so many options to choose from. It's not like Mexico was horrible, because it isn't. It's just that, to be successful in Mexico, you have to go to America, well at least that's what your mom thinks. Either way, you were going to have to make something out of this.

"I'm going to miss you too." You said and hugged Kevin tight. You closed your eyes and tried to feel Kevin up as much as you could, because your never going to see him again.

Your the only child. You were going to have a brother but, sadly he didn't make it. Ever since then your mom has been in deep depression, it was hard to support one kid with all of her stress, that she realized that she can't support any other kid. She wouldn't want to bring a child into such a poor home, so unfortunately your mom decided not to have a big happy family as she dreamed.

Kevin pulled away and looked deep into your eyes.

"Please, please don't forget me." He asked with puppy dog eyes. Kevin sees you like a sister, a sister he could actually share stuff with and have the same thoughts and sayings. Now that your going to be gone, he doesn't know who could fill that place.

"If someone we're to forget each other, it would be you forgetting me." You reassured. Kevin smiled and shoved you back into his chest. The whole scene was so wholesome people who were walking by stopped and recorded.

You could hear sniffles coming from Kevin, you felt bad that you were leaving him, Especially because he wants to be serious in soccer.

"Hey, Kevin..." you said, making him stop crying and wiping his nose.

"Promise me one thing okay?" You asked him. He nodded drastically.

"Please presume your passion for soccer. If you want to go pro, do it. Just know I'm always with you, maybe not by your side but In your mind...I wouldn't want this to be the end of it all." You told him. Kevin got so sensitive to the subject he started crying, you wiped his tears with your sleeve and watched as your arm got drenched.

You watched as Kevin wiped away all of his tears. You smiled but something in your mind kept nagging you, it's like you were waiting for a special person.

"I-is Diego coming?" You asked Kevin. Kevin wiped the under-lid of his eye with the tip of his finger and then looked around.

"I don't think so..." Kevin grumbled. He hadn't seen or heard anything from Diego that day, which was odd for him.

You instantly felt heartbroken. You knew that you and Diego didn't have the best of relationship. Actually the both of you guys hated each other with passion, but your leaving. Like for real your leaving with nothing. No communication, nada, your never going to see these people again and Diego didn't even show up. Even after knowing each other for over 7 years.

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