(9) Touched By The Story

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3 days later

Life was probably the most problematic thing has ever happened to you.

For the past 3 days it's been okay. You got a new phone because Kevin bought it for you, you didn't want to except it, but your remembered that you needed to text your mom.

The only problem was Diego. He's been non stop on you and it's stressing you out. He's been in and out of your office and each time he makes a visit he messes up your whole day. It's honestly draining, and it's only been 4 days.

Not mention that you've been having weird dreams. Some about Diego, some about other things. For some reason your mind just keeps getting dragged back to his body, his voice, his words. You hated that you liked his character so much.

But if you had an option to kill him and save him. It's a no brainer. Killing him is the only option.

It's like you hate him, but like him. The first thing you think of when you get to work, is Diego, rather that be in a negative or positive way it really doesn't matter. Because your thinking about him.

You hate the fact that he actually has an effect over you. When did he get so good at getting into your mind?

Anyways, it's towards the end of your shift and you saw Kevin walking into your office, wincing in pain.

"What's wrong?" You asked. You finished up getting back to your coaches emails, that's one thing you have to do on the job. Reply to his emails. Hey, it's a good paying job.

Kevin sat down on the bed thing as he closed his eyes and laid his head back.

"Practice was rough today, I got pushed by Diego and I landed on my arm. It's been hurting ever since." He whined.

"Why would Diego do that?" You said frustrated.

"Well, he was pushed by Chucky who was pushed by Alexis who fell down." He explained. He sat up straight. You went to get your stuff and then went to check it out.

You took his arm and extended it, asking if it hurts each time you switched the position of his arm.  He seemed to say it hurts a couple times, which was a little bit bad, though it's nothing serious.

You let out a sigh." Seems like a lot people got hurt this week." You mumbled as you continued with the scan.

Kevin chuckled softly, trying his best not to be so active. "There's always been a lot of injuries in soccer, but recently it seems to be a lot more. I think it's because of you, though I'm not sure." Kevin said as he looked around the room as he spoke.

You narrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Why do you think that?" You asked. Kevin thought about the right words without being offensive. "Well, there's no doubt that the teams like you, but I think they see you as a person to come to when they don't want to finish practice." He spoke.

You weren't sure if you felt used or flattered. Either way, your getting more money the more work you put in. "Oh." Your voice ringed in the sudden silence that formed In the room.

"They really do like you. I'll say they consider you as a friend." He reassured. You nodded and wrote your notes on your notepad. It does sort of make to you now, the reason your getting pushed to your Limits each day was probably because of the laziness lingering around the players.

You bit your lip knowing that you still have to check up 2 more people in only 10 minutes. You groaned and tossed your notepad on your desk, watching it as the pages splattered open.

"Are you stressed?" Kevin questioned. He never seen you so openly aggressive around him, it sort of, worried him.

You sighed and laid back on your chair, yes, things were very stressful. You have a lot go duty's to do for the coach, as well as check up the players constantly, and deal with Diego's little comments about you everyday. It was very stressful.

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