(13) Rubia

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"Okay ma, I'll talk to you later. Alright, love you."

You hung up the phone. You did check with your time to time to see it's almost time for the game. You quickly placed your phone back into your office drawer and you went out into the field lines.

You sighed and sat down with your bag next to you just in case you would need to use it. By the look on your face, anyone who walked by could easily see you were frustrated. Your posture was horrible and your mouth was agape while you watched the men walk by you.

You were extremely tired and stressed because of the past 2 days. You barely had any time to yourself and when you did you just slept, your face was beginning to break out again because of the low attention or your skin and your legs were tired of dragging your limping body around.

Your eyes were heavy and your mouth was dripping with drool as you zoned out. Without any warning, you heard a whistle and the game had began. Snapping into reality, you adjusted your leaning posture and tried your best to pay attention to the game.

It was Mexico vs USA and it was a very anticipated game. You were excited for this game a week ago, and even stayed up at times just thinking about the game, but with all taht happened, you just wanted this game to be over.

Your eyes lingered to a certain person that for some reason you cannot keep your eyes off. His hair was looking prettier than usual, and he looked so handsome in his jersey. You groaned to yourself knowing that Diego was looking a little too fine today. You were so frustrated with your on and off with him, you knew that he was attractive, you knew that his voice was pretty, you knew almost everything about him was hot.

But his personality and his chemistry with you. It's like that's the only thing holding you back, apart from your pride. You knew that if he changed, you would be first in line to get with him, but at the same time, you wouldn't even be in the line. It's like you hate him but love him, or something. And all of it is so frustrating to you.

Your mind was so indecisive it's incredible.

You just watched him though, eyes glued onto him, watching him like his your prey. His hair blew in the wind as he ran across the field, his eyes were so pretty it's insane. Everything about him was so pretty.

You grumbled to yourself as you saw a blonde hair girl cut in-front of you, preventing you from seeing Diego. She then sat in front of you, her scent was so strong it was crazy. She smelt like she drowned herself in perfume, like jeez girl leave some perfume for the rest of us.

You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying your best to not sneeze because of the perfume. You let go of our nose and tried your best not to get mad. It was obvious that you were in more of a mood lately because of your indecisiveness and lack of attention to yourself that you get.

The ball went over towards your side, making the teams chase it. You saw Diego chase it, but got pushed by an American player, one thing lead to another and you watched as his face was tough and his body language screamed in rage. The American player started to mock Diego's height, and Diego was just blurting out random words that were inaudible.

You just absorbed him, looking at his sharp jawline and his menacing eyes that pierced through the American players soul. It was weirdly attractive to you, and you don't know why.

Diego then looked over to your side and smiled at you. You didn't smile back, you didn't even know if he was looking at you. Why would he be smiling at you? You hated him and he knew that. You guessed that he was just trying to get an reaction out of you because he was mad. That's how he was when he was younger.

Whenever he got mad at someone, he would usually roast them. But when he didn't, he would tease you and take his anger out on you because he knew it got you mad, and I guess he just enjoys seeing you mad.

It was something that got his smile back on.

You ignored him and payed attention to the other players. You sneezed again because of the lingering perfume in the air. You were already angry because of Diego trying to get you mad, now your even more angry because of that stupid perfume that didn't even smell that good.

The blonde girl in front of you then took something out of her bag and sprayed herself with it. You pinched your nose and tried your best not to scream at that blondie because of it. You then lifted up your shirt and covered your nose with it so you didn't have to smell it.

It was taking you a lot of strength not to yell at that girl. Making matters worse, she then called her friend and yelled through the phone like no one was around her. Literally, you could hear her whole weird conversation about random things.

With that, you covered your ears so you didn't have to hear that screeching high pitch voice. Gosh, could this girl get any worse?

You avoided her presence and tried to have a good watch at the field. Luckily, no one got hurt bad in the Game.

The game was pretty exciting because of the match up, and the tension within the teams. It was obvious that many people dedicated there time to be there. There was screaming and shouting heard all throughout the stadium, and it actually got your blood pumping.

Needles to say you looked a little more alive and happy all throughout the game.

Then, the ball went very close to America's net. Everyone jumped up from their seats and watched intensely at the balls movements. Nails bitting, feet tapping, teeth gritting, people were anxious at the sight.

You saw Diego get the ball, and with his fast speed he ran with it, all the way to the net. The Rubia in front of you jumped up and started to scream at the top of her lungs.

It sounded like forks scrapping against metal.

I mean yeah she was excited, but damn girl chill out. Your not gonna lie, your heart was racing at the sight of Diego running with the ball. He ran so gracefully it was beautiful.

"Holy shit." You whispered under your breath, you quickly apologize to God for cussing and focused your attention back onto Diego.

And the he did it.

He scored.

There was a wave of shouting in happiness all around the stadium. Though, the Americans were very disappointed with their heads dropping down and their shoulders tense.

Your heart fluttered in amazement as you saw Diego celebrating with his team. The blonde in front of you seemed extra happy for your liking. You then heard her scream Diego's name in amazement as well.

You didn't like how she would chant Diego's name like her life depended on it. Only if she knew who Diego really was. Part of you wanted to just yell at her, and tell her what guy she's screaming over.

Seriously, how worse can this blonde hair girl get?

You bit your lip as you saw Diego slowly making his way towards you. You didn't want to speak to him, though at the same time you did. He then ran up towards you after he got his team members out of his bubble.

You prepared yourself and started to think of scenarios of what he would say or do. Somewhat of that kind of excited you.

But then he stopped just before he got to you, standing in front of the reaching blonde hair girl while staring at you.

The girl then closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Diego's neck, pulling him into her space.

Before Diego closed his eyes, he winked at you and then leaned into the kiss with the girl.


That's how worse she can get.

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