(14) Girl friend

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You just stood there. You watched as the girl with a foul scent corrupted Diego's mind with a kiss. You could see by Diego's facial expression that he was more than happy with that kiss.

You felt embarrassment crawl over you as you thought Diego was actually coming to you. Of course he wouldn't, he hates you after all.Then thoughts started to swarm your mind after Diego's lips left hers.

Was she really that good of a kisser? Or was Diego just faking it. Who was she anyways? And why does she get to kiss Diego's lips. Anger started to form over you, wanting to smash that girls head into the metal bar that was restraining her and Diego to fully hug.

As Diego started to back away, a small little smirked was plastered on his face. He wasn't looking at you in particular, but you just knew the smirk was on his face because of you. He wanted to make you jealous, right?

You didn't want to admit it, but you were very jealous. You had always been a jealous type, and you had never encountered a person who was as overprotective than you. That's why you were never really good in the love department, everyone you ever dated always said your too toxic.

So you tried to change your personality so you weren't so toxic. Good thing to say is when you worked on yourself, it worked. You were much healthier, but that doesn't mean you don't still have those toxic traits inside of you. You do, they are just hidden away deep down under your new personality.

You shook your head and sat down after having a small heartbreak. It's funny because you actually thought Diego was something to you, your mind was on a rope between hating Diego and loving Diego. Now you just hated him, but at the same time you wanted to be in the position the blonde girl was.

Why were you experiencing such an emotion like this? Over Diego? You felt even more humiliated to the fact that you actually cared about this. You don't care. You don't care.

You don't care.

Is what you keep telling yourself. You felt your eyes start to water, oh come on it's not that serious! Just act unbothered. You keep telling yourself small praises to heal your feelings. Why does he have such an effect over you?

The game was over and you didn't even bother to check the score. All you could think about is Diego's kiss with that girl, what's so special about her?

Your brain was confused onto what emotion it wants to stick on. Anger? Sadness? Disappointment? Jealousy? Really, you didn't know what to feel.

You went back into your office so you could check up on Chucky's legs. You tried your best not to even think about that stupid kiss, it meant nothing to you. You tried to tell yourself that you weren't jealous, or angry, your unbothered.

Just stay unbothered.

You saw Chucky come in with a limping leg and a clenched jawline. You patted a seat down into the bed like thing and finished up an email for your boss.

You heard shuffling and sudden movements behind you. You then turned around to see Chucky in a very relaxed manner. You chuckled and got your tools out.

"Hard game?" You said in a voice just above a whisper. He moved his legs out more towards you so you can start doing your stuff. "Yeah, I told coach that I would be fine. And I thought I was but my legs were killing me the whole game." Chucky complained. You smiled and let out a snicker as you checked up his legs.

You could tell that your posture was also stiff, and you think Chucky could tell that as well. "What's up with you?" Chucky asked. You swallowed hard and shook your head slightly. You mumbled a 'nothing' and continued your work on him.

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