(6) Meeting the Players

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"WHAT!?" You both screamed while looking at the coach.

"What?" The coach asked confused, mostly because he just got yelled at for no reason.

You and Diego both took a step back away from each other while looking each other up and down with disgust in sync.

If you had known that was Diego then you wouldn't have been making dates up in your head between you and him, but gosh he looked so pretty now.

"Do you guys know each other or something...?" The coach questioned.

You stared deep into Diego's eyes with shock while he did the same. You just took a second to look at all of his features, and yes you could see the little Diego in him, with the shape of his head and his jawline that was always sharp as a crystal. But, his eyes seemed to be so much prettier now, as well as his hair, nose, ect.

"Yeah, he's my...friend." You said unsurely.

Diego gave you a look like was basically telling you that he doesn't feel the same.

"Well that's good. I didn't want you guys to have beef with each other and stuff. Because if you guys did, y/n would had to go." The coach said quietly and then cleared his throat.

Hearing that, Diego tried to speak up. Oh how badly he wanted you gone already.

"Actually, mr!" You were quick to cover his big mouth with your hand.

You could his voice grumble, desperately trying to break through your sound barrier. You could feel his voice vibrate throughout your hand, that's how deep his voice was now.

Something about knowing that he went through puberty...kind of made you weak to your knees.

"Well you shut up!" You whispered screamed at him. This little scene made you have dejavú to a time when you and Diego were in class and he was going to expose a rumor about you, which,fyi, he did.

He was fast to take off your hand of his mouth. He looked at you with his pretty eyes, but hard eyebrows, signaling that he was mad.

"What you do mean 'shut up'?!" He whispered screamed back. He said it a little too loud, making both of you guys slowly turn around to see if anyone heard that, thankfully, no one heard it.

"You have such a loud mouth. You were going to try to get me fired right here right now huh!" You whispered back with a rasp to to your voice.

Diego let out a small chuckle that was enough to make you blush like a little simp.

"Of course! Why would I want you here?" He questioned with a little smirk on his face.

"Okay, just for your information, I'm not here for you! I'm here for a job. Gosh not everything revolves around your ass." You finished, obviously angry at him.

"Aww, are you mad?" Diego asked while his pouted his lips.

"Just be quiet." You said with a sigh.

"Of course ma'am." He said with a wide smirk that showed his perfect smile as he walked away.

You walked away and greeted the other members of the team, like Chucky, Alexis, Memo, y'know all the famous ones.

You then went to find the coach, you found him talking to Kevin, laughing and chuckling. You walked up to them.

"Hey, so when can I see my office? You know because I want- I'm not trying to be pushy or anything but like...y'know." You said trying not to sound like a bitch.

"Oh yeah of course. Just stay right here and I'll give you the keys." He said as he ran off.

You turned your face towards Kevin.

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