(19) Worried

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Things had been going messy...

After that weird encounter with you and Diego and Kevin you just stayed put. You minded your own business and didn't even look at Diego in the eyes for a whole week.

You didn't know what you felt for Diego. He makes you feel all warm when he's around you. It's like you just want to have something with him so bad, but Diego isn't showing you the same attention back.

You feel stupid when he's around you, and you even have to tell yourself to not stare at him. It's exhausting! You can't help but feel those emotional attraction to him knowing he has a whole girl and doesn't even like you.

Sometimes, you even make up scenarios of you and him whenever you get a chance. Even just looking at him or seeing him for 2 seconds makes you drift off in your mind about him.

If you hadn't been paying so much attention to Diego and not letting him get to you, you would have seen your face that's gotten skinnier.Your cheeks gotten slimmer, making you look like you haven't aten in days. You have noticeably larger eye bags and your eyes look droopy.

That's what Diego does to you.

It was like you were a melting ice cream. You were sort of greatful that pimples and acne hasn't shown up, especially when your on your period is the worst.

You worse baggy clothes most of the time and never showed off any skin. Not ever since the traumatizing party. The last month has been one of the worst months for you.

Sometimes you would even pray for it to be over. Just to finely have peace. Because ever since you were little life has been hard on you. You just prayed and prayed for that one little spark in your life so you can take it and let it shine.

It's want you need. As depressing as it sounds, you don't know how much longer you could last in your life like this. It's just simulated process each day. Wake up, eat, go to work, and go home.

So when you finally got a text message from your mom after 1 week, you felt some type of happiness in you. But it wasn't the type of happy message you were expecting.

Once you heard that 'ding' your mind began to think what she had sent you. Maybe a 'good morning, have a good day!' Or maybe a 'thanks for this months check Mija!'.

But no. It wasn't.

You picked up your phone and read the little letters on the screen. The message had a lot of typos and bad grammar, meaning that your mom had wrote it in a hurry.

'Come bac ho America.'

'Come back to America'


You had began to panic and called her as soon as you could. No answer. You let out a nervous chuckle and tried to ring her phone again. No answer. Okay, one more time...

No answer.

You panic worsen within seconds, okay, okay. It's okay. It's cool. Just pack your stuff and leave. There was no debate about leaving as quick as you could, it was your mother. You had to.

Plus you couldn't help but feel a little excitement after being drained out for months. Even though it was such a...weird situation, you still felt a little excitement in you. Although it was hidden under fear for your mother.

You grabbed a clump of close and grabbed the same suit case from 2 months ago. You plunged the clothes in your suit case, not caring how they were plotted in there. All you could think about is your moms safety.

As you finished grabbing all that you could, you hadn't even thought about how you would get from Mexico to America. You began to stress out, like so much. You didn't know what to do. How would you get from Mexico to America within the next day! You had nothing.

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