(50) its a lot of Lust, not a lot of Love.

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This is for all my Val haters...this is dedicated to you my girl!😝🤞

Still in the elevator,

Diego held you close, stroking your jaw as you slept in his hands.

He would occasionally kiss you, hug you tight, smell your hair and melt at your scent, suck your neck. Things to mark you or touch you while you were asleep.

He hadn't realize how much he loved cuddling with you until now. The way your petite figure mingled and molded with his, and your little breaths, your resting face. It was all so cute to Diego. Having you like that, in his arms.

He was almost tempted to take a picture and post it.

But again, that wouldn't be a good idea. Val would probably see it, and as much as Diego wanted to rub in his face, he couldn't. If Diego told you Val wouldn't find out, then he wouldn't find out. At least from Diego, he can't prevent Val from finding out from a different person.

He was traced back to reality when he heard your little groans and sudden movements against him. You're waking up.

You opened your eyes, seeing a plan white wall and soft carpet that you laid on. How were you guys still in the elevator? Shouldn't you guys be out by now...

You then felt Diego's hands rub against you, rolling his thump against your bare hip. You looked back to see Diego with his eyes closed, peacefully as he heard the sound of your steady breathing. "Diego." You whispered, although in the very quiet and hallow elevator, it echoed in his ear.

Diego's eyes fluttered open, looking down at you thru his eyelids. "Hm?" He mumbled. You backed up, only to feel the coldness of the elevator overcome your body. Wanting warmness, you turned your face to Diego and huddled up against his warm body. A little chuckle was heard as Diego held your body close to him.

"Why are we still in the elevator?" You mumbled against his chest. Diego kissed your head, rubbing your back up and down as an attempt to keep you warm. "The engineering was broken as well, so now it's cold in here and they still are trying to fix it."

Ah, that's why it's so cold.

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him. "How did you know that? Did they call you?" You asked. Diego chuckled and shoved your head back down into his warm chest. "They called you first, when you didn't answer they called me."

You nodded and rubbed your cold body against Diego's warm one. It sort of made you jealous on how much body heat he had. Maybe it had something to do with an activity you guys did before, nonetheless, you still felt jealous.

You shivered, feeling your back have goosebumps down it's spine. As an another attempt to ease the coldness, you unknowingly grind your body against his. It wasn't anything of that sort, you just were cold. So cold.

Diego shivered and stilled your movements with his hands. Holding onto your hips and squeezing his eyes shut. "Don't do that." You realized what you were doing and stopped right away.

"I'm sorry. But I can't help it. Why is it so cold?" You asked, feeling your bare arms shiver with goosebumps. Diego groaned and nuzzled in your hair. "I can't remember what the excuse was for that either..."

You were freezing, like super cold. Sure you had your clothes on, but they were pants and a tee shirt. You wondered how Diego wasn't cold, considering he was wearing shorts and a shirt. You nuzzled up against him, trying to absorb his warmth. "How long was I asleep for?"

Diego squirmed around and found your neck, kissing it gently as he rubbed your body. The hot kisses left a patch of warmth, though you could still feel the cold. "About an hour." He replied, against your neck.

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