(32) Ice Pack

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Kevin was at your house, again. He would always just hang out at your house whenever he would want to, and you didn't mind it at all.

You've actually been a little lonely, you haven't heard from Val in 2 days and you've tried to call and text him but nothing. You couldn't help but he angry with him because of it. That stupid guy played you!

Kevin was talking to you, just having a conversation on random things that you guys could think of. It was a great day, besides Val not texting you, you had fun. Although Kevin seemed to be asking you a lot of questions like, 'what day is it today' and 'how old am I again?'. He was acting weird, and you had no clue.

Kevin grabbed a bowl of takis and munched on them while looking at you intently. "Yes?" You asked. Kevin frowned and dropped the bowl of takis on the counter.

"What special day is coming up?" Kevin asked. You eat the takis from the bowl. You shrugged, "Easter?"

Kevin groaned. "Nooo! My birthday!"

Oh shit. That's right.

You closed your eyes in embarrassment, you knew that! You knew when his birthday was! Why couldn't you remember it though?

"I'm sorry Kevin, here we can have a birthday party at my house and you can trash it-"

"We're not having my party at a house!" Kevin chimed. You were confused, why wouldn't you guys have a birthday party at a house?

"Then where are you having it?" A house a great place to have a party at!

"At a club. I rented it out and it's the most beautiful thing I set my eyes on." Kevin praise. You slightly opened your mouth, confused because it wasn't going to be a big party, right? If it was you weren't going.

"Okay, so just me, you, your family..." you trailed on.

Kevin laughed and shook is head. "No! Silly, you know I like inviting tons of people! So I'm going to invite tons of people." Kevin said. You grunted, you were not going to go. Not after what happened last time when you went to a club, Nuh uh.

"I won't be attending." You stubbornly said. You didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone again. Last time it was so humiliating, you just can't.

Kevin huffed. "Please? You already forgot Ku birthday, and I've done so much for you!" Kevin reasoned.

He was right, Kevin had done so much for you, more than he should've. He's been a great friend when you needed it the most, so it would be shameful of you to not do what he wanted.

"Okay, I will." You decided. Kevin smiled and went on his phone eagerly.

"Okay, and since you forgot my birthday, you're going to wear what I tell you to." Kevin ordered. You were about to decline, but remembered. He's done so much for you. Just do what he asks and that's it.

"That's fine. As long as it's not full on slutty." You told. Kevin nodded fast, he too did not want to dress you up like that. But he's been practicing his style and fashion, and he wanted to test it out on you.

"I got a dress for you, but you're not going to see it until the day of the party." Kevin said. You felt a little worried, but never enough to back down to what you were going to wear.

"When are you having the party?" You asked. Kevin waited a second before responding, his eyes were glued onto the screen of his phone.

"This Friday." He replied. You finished the bowl of takis, "but todays Wednesday." You specified. "Yeah, isn't that crazy?"

"Anyways, we gotta go to practice. Come on."


You arrived to practice, setting your stuff up in your office and getting emails checked. Just the normal things.

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