(17) Whats on your mind?

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"BITCH, WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING HOE." Lux had screamed at you.

You rolled your eyes and sighed, shoving past her with force and stomping away. Your body was tired, and frustrated. It's like you really wanted to end it, you needed a break.

There was many moments over the past week of you and Lux. She would always start the problems, like just saying words under her breath as she walked by you, or even just calling you out on random stuff.

You would had rocked her shit right now if it wasn't for the sake of your job. You wanted to just get money, and then send some to your mom each month. That was your plan, and your not going to change it just because of some girl that's insecure.

It took you everything in your limp body to stay put and not get your ego up. You just needed to do your job, not cause problems, and then hopefully let God do the rest. But your body just hardens whenever your by that girl, it agitates you to see her punk you around and you not doing anything about it.

You grabbed the coffee for your boss and walked to his office. Once you arrived, you sighed and adjusted your posture to make your back erect and your face have a warm smile on it.

You knocked on the door, after a bit you heard a 'come in' and you happily opened the door. You saw your boss sitting in the middle of the spacious room with two black wheeled chairs. You hesitantly walked to his desk and placed it next to his computer, carful not to spill it.

You noticed an off behavior with him, but you just walked slowly to the door, half thinking that you would hear your name get called back. And to your luck,

You did.

Your smile only grew wider in frustration to just wanting to get back to work. You walked back to his area and chirped a 'yeah!' That was barely audible.

His body was facing you as his chair was also, though his head was a glued onto his computer. You stood there, with a confused but wide minded stare. He's head then slowly turned to you as he did his final clicks on his computer.

He clapped his hands and rubbed them together, making you nervous and anxious on what's to come.

"May you please sit down." He said in a tone that wasn't really asking. You gulped, swallowing the fluids in your mouth that wanted to come out and throw up because of your sickness.

You nodded and then sat down with doubtfulness drifting behind you like a puppy. You stared at his computer and waited for him to start speaking, your mouth was too dry for you to be able to speak as you wished, so you waited until he spoke up.

He cleared his throat that was so rough it might had left a rash in his throat. He then spoke up after minutes of scolding.

"Y/n, you're a very hard working women and were are very lucky to have you here. But, there's some things that I need to go over." He spoke with a stern tone. Your body shivered with anticipation, waiting for whatever he wants to speak about.

Many thoughts and sinceros were traveling through your head as you thought on what the issue might have been. You were a great employee, customer, worker- anything you did you were great at. You tried your hardest to keep a smile at your face. so, what was going on?

A door suddenly caused you and your boss to snap your heads. You were meet with an lopsided smirk and a uneasy glare that only a mother could've loved - and maybe a certain soccer player but we won't get into that.

Hatred thrived inside of you, now knowing what this was about.

You grumbled hateful comments under your breath at the sight of that female. She fluttered her way to the chair and fell into it with ease while she eyed you up and down, giving you a nasty grin.

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