(28) A Werid Return

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(Update this crap: if you can see the video use the song while reading 😏)

You took one step out of the plane, and felt the warm comfy breeze the air provided to you. It's felt like forever since you felt this refreshing air like you always would.

You waited for Kevin to come and pick you up, as long as some other players that he didn't mention. The flight wasn't too long, you got some rest on the plane and drank a tone of water.

You got a ding on your phone.

Kevin: I will be there right now, make sure all your stuff is down.

You grabbed your suitcase and held it up sternly, griping it hard because it likes to roll away. You saw Kevin's car pull up, and some people come out of it.

Chucky, chicha, Henry, memo ect...

You weren't surprise that there was a lot of people, it was a nice day and they probably all wanted to hang out. Also the fact that the car was a limbo like shape, making it possible for that many people to be inside. You saw Kevin run up and hug you, as long as some of the other team members. You embraced them, not having a hug in a while because of Val's abstinence.

"Hey y/n, how is your mom doing?" Memo asked, pushing away Kevin who was clinging onto you.

"Good. She's actually very healthy now." You praised. Memos smile grew from ear to ear. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Now that you're back we don't have to deal with that old cranky lady!"Alexis said. Everyone started to sigh in relief, Kevin, who was at your legs, stood up.

"She was the worst y/n! I would go into detail but I for myself don't want to be reminded." Kevin shivered to the thought of whatever he was thinking. You smiled, happy to see the team all happy and excited about your return. You would be lying if you said you didn't miss them one bit, because you missed the team like crazy.

You missed how they would all rant to you whenever you would do their check ups, talking about things on their mind. They all seemed pretty comfortable with you, and they all seemed to be happy that you are back.

Well, maybe all except one.

You saw between Memo and Alexis a figure walk out the car, your heart started racing. Everyone's chatter seemed to die down as the figure got closer, almost like they were waiting for something to happen. Oh please don't tell me...

"Diego we told you to stay put in the car!" The team shouted, Diego flinched at the sync voices blasting at his ear drums.

Diego was wearing a Mexican jersey and grayish sweatpants. His eyes shined in the light, and his jawline looked sharper than usual. You could see in the corner of his jaw clench when he saw you.

"Oh gosh, how come you didn't tell me we were going to pick her up?" Diego asked in frustration. You narrowed your eyebrows at him and stood up straight. "Oh please, you're acting like I want to see you." You huffed.

Oh, here we go.

The team watched you and Diego argue back and forth, everyone looking at Diego when he spoke, then to you when you spoke. It was like in a trance.

"At least I'm getting paid!" Diego yelled back. His voice was choppy and it was obvious he didn't get much sleep that night.

"And I don't get how! You barely even have minutes!" You shouted back. Your well-rested voice was admired by Diego. He was a bit jealous on how smooth it was and how he knew you got a better sleep than him.

"Well I'd like to see you run on the field and make a goal!" Diego challenged.

"Okay guys that's enough." Memo said, breaking you and Diego apart. "We're in public, and we don't want to bring more attention to ourselves." Edson whispered.

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