(55) Them

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You groaned and sat up, stretching your body and cracking your back. Half lidded eyes, messy hair, bad posture. You looked awful.

But not to Diego.

You looked to the side of your wall, watching Diego climb thru your window. Shocked and tired, you lazily gazed at the happy and excited man as he stumbled around the window, making his entrance and standing straight.

It really did shock you on how he had so much energy and you didn't. In some way you felt jealous on how much energy he had at such a time.

You smile and rubbed your eyes, seeing pock-a dots in your vision. "Hey baby." You spoke. Diego smile at you and jumped in your bed. You jumped up in the air and landed down on the bed due to the amount of weight he added.

"You're so light." He chuckled out. You sighed and got back into your blanket, stealing it from Diego and using it over your back. Diego groaned and took it back, placing the blanket over him and dragging you to him. He hugged you close to him and spooned you.

You closed your eyes, liking the attention he was giving you. Touching your hips ever so gently, and cradling you like you were his prize possession. It was wonderful.

You closed your eyes, only for them to shoot open. "Oh shit. What time is it?" You asked. You looked around for your phone to find it all the way on the floor, not close to you at all.

Diego shrugged, pulling you down again and snuggling against you. "I don't know. Who cares." He grumbled against your neck, spooning you again as he grind up on you.

You shuddered, trying to escape from Diego's presence so you could go check your phone. Though Diego just held you close. Pulling you against him, tighter each time you tried to flea from him.

"Diego!" You moaned out, out of breath as you pushed away from him. Though you didn't get far. He pulled you back and grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you even closer to him in a dramatic pace.

"5 more minutes. Then we can go to training." He mumbled out. You groaned and shook your head, tugging at the white sheets in front of you for some grip away from him. "We can't! What if we're late? Then I'll be fired!"

Diego chuckled, sending shivers down your spine from the vibrations. "You won't get fired. You're the best medic we have!" He's right. You won't get fired for being late 1 time, but still...

You squirmed beneath him, worried about your attendance. Diego scuffed. "Just enjoy this moment. That's why I'm here. Cuddle with me."

Okay, you can do that. Just cuddle with Diego. That's all.

You closed your eyes and tried not to be worried, even though that's all you thought about. After a bit tho, you began to feel sleepy. Diego's perfect weight and body heat against you made you happy with comfort. And also very tired.

So suddenly, your eye lids felt heavy and your body became relaxed. All the worry and the stress from your job went away, as you tuned out Diego's snores of sleep and started to fall asleep as well. Diego's asleep, if I go to sleep then maybe...

Then, your eyes shot open. You hadn't noticed before, but you felt something poking your inner thigh. Something...familiar.

You turned around behind you, body in the same position but your head was tilted. You saw Diego's eyes closed gently, his face looked rested, though you could till he was awake. Even if it was barely, he was still awake.

You sighed. Diego can't cuddle for nothing.

"Psh," you said, nudging his chest. When he didn't respond, you turned your head facing forward. "Diegooo." You mumbled. No movement. You called his name again, no movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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