(35) Kissing in the bathroom

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Who hates boring chapters? I hate boring chapters🤭

He had kissed you.

That all familiar feeling came rushing back at you all again. He had kissed you, again. His lips felt soft, but you could taste a little blood on it. His hair looked pulled on, and his body was obviously tired. Poor Diego, he probably was stressing out, badly.

His hands slithered their way up onto your hips, letting them rest there as he made peace with your body. When he pulled away, you felt that warm comforting feeling wash away. "Isn't that better than arguing?" His voice was low and raspy, he had been screaming and yelling a lot. No wonder.

Your breath hitched up, and your body was shaking like crazy. Of course this was better than arguing, this was much better than that. But Diego didn't have to know that. "No, I'd much rather argue than this." You put on a disgusted face and tried to pretend that Diego's mean gaze wasn't leg trembling hot.

Diego leaned his body on top of you, making you lean back and hit the wall. You dropped your water bottle that was thankfully closed. Diego leaned in closer, hitting his hip to your hip, and his two outer legs blocking you from escaping. He leaned his head closer to yours, and he eyed your lips. You could feel his hot breath on and his cologne that was addicting invade your nostrils.

When did his scent smell so good? "You wanna kiss me again, huh?" Diego taunted, his voice was so addicting. The way he said it made your legs tremble. Duh, of course you wanted to kiss him again. But you didn't want him to have this satisfaction, you knew you couldn't hold on for much longer, but you were going to try.

"N-no. But I think you do, with the way you look at my lips." You countered. Diego stared into your eyes for a second, and in that second you forgot to breath. He then harshly grabbed your hips and dragged you with him, making sure you were secure under his hands.

He dragged you into the nearest bathroom, locking the door. You tried to get free from his grasp, but he didn't budge. "You have a mouth on you, y/n." His face was so close to yours, a little too close. "But I think me and you both know that this is way better. Tell me if I'm wrong." Diego dragged his hands all around your body, kissing your lips with ease and tasting your lip gloss that didn't wash off.

You let him kiss you, after all you couldn't help it. The sweet, passionate kiss didn't last for too long. Diego wanted more, and today you were going to give it to him.

He began kissing deeper into your mouth, and you let him. You groaned into the kisses, the taste of the slight blood, and the mixture of the lipgloss. It was all too good, you needed more. You began wrapping your legs around his waist as he lifted you up. His hands secured your hips and your back was pressed against the wall.

He let go of the kiss, and looked at you with confident eyes. "Oh, but I thought you didn't want to kiss?" He teased. You licked your lips. What an asshole. He did all of this just to prove a point? This was crazy.

You tried to leave, you really did. Putting your full force into it. But Diego only keep you still, in the same place. His grip getting tighter on your body with each passing second.

"You're not leaving again. You're staying here, with me." You looked down at his hands to see him squeezing you tight so hard that his veins started showing. You then looked up at Diego, his eyes beaming at you and his noticiable increase of breath. What had gotten him so mad throughout that sentence?

You gave up your squirming and accepted your fail. Diego then leaned down into your ear after you had stopped moving. "Stay. Quiet." He mumbled in your ear, you were confused at first before he started kissing down your jawline. He sucked and licked around in all different places throughout your jaw.

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