(39) Love and affection

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You and Diego looked at each other with worry.

Kevin shoved a card right between your palms and walked away, giving the other players their cards. "Okay, you guys have to do these tasks, first team done wins. GO!"

Everyone went in different directions, but you and Diego stayed in the same spot. Staring at each other, "what are you guys doing? I said GO!!" Kevin said, shoeing you and Diego away.

You stumbled back, then you flipped the soft card over to see writing. The smell of sharpie was fresh, and you could see some smeared stains on your hand from the fresh tint. You read the card, it showed directions to a cabin.

You looked up at a mad Diego, you pulled him with you and signaled him to follow you. You started to fast walk into the woods, Diego wasn't following you at first. But after he started to see you get smaller in his vision he caught up to you.

"Do you know where you're going?" Diego asked, no hint of concern in his voice. You looked down at the card and read the dotted lines that lead to the cabin. You walked on the pathway, feeling the rocks crunch under your weight. The sound of birds chirping filled the silence as you debated if you should talk to him.

But Being left in silence wasn't something you were looking forward to. "I think so." You blankly replied. Diego hummed in response, walking alongside you. The air was filled with pebbles being smushed, and leaves riffling around. You would even purposely step on the old leaves to get the crunchy sound out of them.

"Here. Let me see that." Diego said, trying to snatch the paper out of your hands. You backed up and kept it close to your chest, almost daring him to try again. "Na ah, let me have it and you follow." You said.

Diego smacked his cheeks and tried to grab it again, wanting to see the card and have some part of it. You jumped at his attack, your feet came to a stop and you put the card closer to your stomach. Diego stayed put, eyeing the card in your hands like it was his next meal.

"Stop being immature, let me see it." Diego said. You shook your head at him and walked faster ahead of him. But your fast walk was an easy pace for a soccer player. He caught up and eyed you again. "I'm the immature one? You literally attacked me to try and get a little card." You said.

Diego grumbled. "You're being such a bitch." He whispered under his breath. You stopped walking and grabbed his shoulder with a rough grasp. You looked him in the eyes and tilted your head.

"What's that? What did you say?" Your asked innocently. Diego raised both his eyes brows and looked around like he was clueless.

"Hm? What? Oh nothing." Diego said. You cupped your ear and turned to him, like you wanted to hear him louder. "No, I think I heard something about me? What did you say?"

"I said you're being a nice lady." Sure you were.

You brushed it off and continue to walk. "You're acting like being stuck with you is what I want." You mumbled. Diego stopped and looked at you, he stuttered a step before looking at a nearby tree.

"Oh really? Last time we were stuck together you liked it very much." Diego said.

"Yeah, it was a nightmare." You said. What a lie, and you knew it. But you weren't high off lust go praise him right now. You didn't even want to talk to him actually, but here you are, talking to him.

Diego let out a small breath of disbelief. "Speaking of nightmares, did you have a good dream?" Diego asked.

You stumbled a step. You couldn't remember much, but you remembered what you dreamed about. It was about Val, you didn't know why you dreamed about him considering that you don't talk to him anymore. But you did, and you were sort of happy you did. Because the dream was something different.

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