(7) Check out?

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After you left

"Alright boys, I'm going to get going. Thank you guys for taking the time to say hi to the new member of our group, I'll see you all tomorrow." The coach said.

"Here, last one out has to lock the doors." He said as he tossed the keys on the counter and left.

With that, the players started to grab their stuff and walked out the door.

Except for Kevin and Diego.

As Diego was about to leave, Kevin grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back to his chest. This caused Diego to stumble and turn around with an annoyed face.

"What was that for!?" Diego question as he rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm the one that should be asking questions, why are you already giving y/n a hard time?" Kevin asked. He knew that you and Diego never had a good relationship, though Diego should at least try to stay composed, especially because it was their first time talking in years.

"Because she's annoying." He answered.

"What was she doing that was annoying?" Kevin beamed.

"Her presence." Diego said.

Kevin groaned and wiped his face in frustration.

"Why can't you at least be decent to her?" Kevin asked.

"Decent? She should be lucky that I don't murder her." Diego said. He puffed his chest up as he let out a sigh, normally, he does this when he's uncomfortable. Why would he be uncomfortable?

"You were just saying not even a hour ago that she was fine! What changed within a hour?!" Kevin questioned.

"Well, I didn't know that was y/n." Diego said quietly. Kevin's jaw opened a bit, highly confused on this situation." That doesn't change though, you can't just not think their not attractive because of that?"

"It's different when you have experience with them." Diego quoted.

"No it's not?"

"Yes it is."

"Come on! She invited us to a party, your going to come and your going to be nice to her." Kevin ordered. Offend was a understatement, Diego was beyond mad, why dare he order such a thing? "Then I won't be coming." He stated.

Diego twisted his head to the side and crossed his arms. Like a little kid throwing a fit, very immature.

"In 1 week. At the new club down the street, I better see you there Diego." Kevin demand. He just really wanted both of his best friends to be cool with each other. "Okay fine damn. Grabbing on my nutsack and shit." He whispered under his breath as he left the place.

With a satisfied smile, Kevin grabbed the keys and locked the door.

Tomorrow will be a long day.


You grabbed all your stuff you needed and walked out the door.

You weren't really looking forward to it, mostly because of Diego. Well actually just because of Diego.

You got in your car and drove away.

Once you got there, you grabbed all your stuff and lazily walked out your car. You opened the door, too see the whole place all bright, much brighter. You narrowed your eyes and walked to your office, grabbing your keys you unlocked the door.

You went inside to see a note on your desk.

This is your official first day. Right now, the team members are out in the field doing their drills. For now, I want you to open up the computer To the side of this note, then get everything set up as you please. In about 1 hour I want you out here.

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