(4) Job interview

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"Hmm, which one?" You asked your mom. You were getting ready to go to the job interview, and you were excited.

"Doesn't matter mija, wear what you want." She responded obviously stressed. Your mom Doesn't know what to do exactly for the eviction stuff. She has a job, but it's a low paying one, and she can't quite now.

You hummed in response and then picked out an outfit that you liked.

You understood that she was very stressed due to the letter. So having this job was a must, because if you don't get this, it might be too late.

You checked the time to see it's almost time to go.

Quickly, you got everything you needed. And headed out the door.

"Adiós ma, I'll back back in a hour!" You shouted as you shut the door.


"Okay, starters, what do you look for in this job?" The interviewer said.

She was short with curly hair and a multicolor eye color.

"Well, I loved soccer ever since I was just a little girl. So I guess it sort of goes with passion, although I lost it, I want to gain it back. " you explained. It kind of felt good telling someone about this, you had always liked people questioning you about the right things.

"Okay, and any other intentions?" She asked as she wrote down something in her clipboard. You felt like you were at school again, telling the principal what had happen. You always ended up in the office, mostly because of Diego.

"Well, just earning money as well. I know that might sound money hunger, but I seriously need it. So, having this job is something I need. As well as I would like to socialize with people. There's just so many benefits with this job." You ranted on.

She frowned as she erased something from her clipboard.

"Well it says on your record here that you've been with medical issues, and had been earning good money. If you don't mind me asking what went wrong?" She asked politely.

You took a deep breath.

"Well, my little cousin was very, very sick. Since I was good with treating stuff, I took some days off to help with my little cousin. Her mom wasn't around and she needed a person to help them...one thing lead to another and she got sicker, and sicker, until she unfortunately passed away. I've hadn't been feeling well ever since,and I got fired from my job." You tried to say as little as possible.

She narrowed her eyebrows and erased something again.

You felt yourself get Even more nervous. Your stomach started to twist and turn each millisecond past by.

"Okay, it also says on your record that you been into a fight at school, and had to go to court. What's that all about?" She asked.

You chuckled

"In the 7th grade? Oh I remember that, see this guy I knew from a long time ago said something to me, and I got mad so me and him started to fight. So yeah..." you said in embarrassment.

"And what was this man's name? Do you remember?" She asked. You were a bit confused on that question, though you still answered it.

"Diego." You said uncomfortable. You hated that name with all of your heart.

"Diego who? If you remember his last name." She asked.

"Lainez, Diego Lainez." You cringed so hard at that sentence that came out of your mouth. You just wished you had erased all of your memories of him.

The women smirked.

"Okay, That is all of the interview." She wrapped up.

You were caught off gourd. It's only been like 15 minutes. A bit of talking and mostly just uncomfortable silence.

"T-thats it?" You asked confused.

"Yep" she answered.

"Also, what you said earlier about losing passion about soccer. I just got to say passion Is never lost, It's just Barred deep down in you. You just have to find it, and so I'm glad you will." She said with a happy smile.

That smile was contagious.

"What- what huh? What do you mean?" You asked highly confused.

"I mean, you got the job! Congratulations!"

She said with a big happy face. Confusion came over you, like a lot.

"really?" You asked her, you didn't want your hopes to be up. It would destroy you.

"Yes really! I'll give you a week to move out your house and-"

"Wait, wait wait wait wait wait, I have to move?" You asked a question that was sort of obvious. Of course you have to move! Your playing for a Mexican team!

"Well, yeah. How else can you provide your service for us?" She asked confused.

"Right." You said getting lost in your thoughts.

"Okay, so I'll give you 1 week to get everything you need. You don't have to worry about a plane ticket or anything, we are going to get that all set up for you. All you need to worry about is what you need to bring. We'll send you the location and keep in touch with you over this week."

"O-okay." You responded.

"Glad, well you can always visit back over here. But I will be glad to see you there!" The women said as she shook your wobbly hand.

"Yeah.." you said quietly.


"YOU GOT THE JOB!?" Your mom screamed at you. The amount of joy she felt was incredible.

Your mood was completely ruined because of the thought of leaving your mom here. It stung, though you needed this for your family. The job is a good paying job, it also is for the Mexico team.

"Yep...I'm a medical provider." You said with a fake smile.

"Ohh Mija i'm so proud of you! You know this would be great! Tell you what, next week we can have a good day. Just between me and you, in celebration!" Your mom said joyfully.

It killed you to know that you were going to leave her in less than a week.

"About that, I have to go to Mexico. Like, live there." You said with a frown.

Your moms happy smile slowly faded as she heard the news.

"Live there? But you can't leave! I'm getting evicted! " your mom was stressed hearing that you were going to leave. She can't have you leave as well.

"I have to ma, it's for our good." You said trying not to show how mad you were. You just wanted everything to go good. But sadly, you need to leave.

"I know you need to go. But I just can't."
She started to cry, all her emotions caught up to her. She needed to release it.

You pated her back.

You wished that everything could go your way.

But now it's time to get packed up and moved out.


Extremely short chapter today 😭

I hate writing lead ups, so that's why the chapter was short.

Next chapter will be better and a little time skip 😱

Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter!


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