(18) Faild attempt

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Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. Things have been going so weird in my school and I just needed to take a break from writing, to refresh my mind.

Anyways, enjoy this small fill in chapter!🥳

Kevin shut the door and sat down next to you. He searched you down, patting you in different places, trying to find something. To his luck, he found a rectangular device in your pocket. "I'm going to need this." He says as he drags it out of your pocket.

You sighed and let him. You saw Kevin's phone on top of his cajón. "I Don't want you snitching on me and shit." Kevin said. You playfully rolled your eyes and watched as he turned your phone off and place it next to his.

He then sat down, and with a squeal he started to talk.

"So, I think since Tomorrow Diego is going to come over...maybe I should like taunt him and start saying stuff." Kevin suggested.

You were shocked at Kevin's thinking, yet you wanted to hear more. "Stuff like...like what?" You asked, trying not to sound desperate even though you were.

Kevin smiled and rubbed his hands. "It's probably not going to be something you like...but he's unbothered and I know how to make him bothered." Kevin stated.

You twirled your hands along your lap.

"Why- why do like- want to get him bothered?" You questioned. It was odd to you that Kevin wanted to get his best friend mad- and that juts made you rethink this whole conversation.

Kevin cleared his throat and scouted closer to you. You didn't miss the little tint scattered across his cheeks, he was embarrassed.

"I don't know...I know that he gave you a hard time and you know."

You smiled at his words, knowing that he cares about you. Not wanting to embarrass him even more, you started to talk. "Okay, im on with it. What are you thinking about?"

Kevin backed away, afraid of your reaction.

"So, let me speak! And hear me out! The only way to annoy him to the brim is to mention you in the conversation." He spoke.


"So I tested some things out with him, and I shipped you and Diego and he got livid! I mean you should've seen how mad he had gotten." Kevin stated.

You didn't know what to feel, you felt horrible. Why did he hate you so much?

"So...I think when he comes overrrr you can do whatever you want to him to make him mad. And I'll be mentioning you the whole time!"

You sighed.

"I don't know- I mean isn't this like.. childish?"(😏)

Kevin laughed, "yeah but it's worth seeing him
Mad, no?"

"Okay. Deal."


You grabbed your phone and saw a text from Kevin.

Kevin: he's here.

You turned your phone off and went downstairs, knowing there is a man awaiting for you.

When you reached to the floor, you saw Diego's eyes flash up at you. You could already see the rage built up within them. Part of it made you sad, and part of it made you happy that you had power over him.

Instead of getting mad, Diego did something unexpected.

"Y/n! Oh hi I was just thinking about you right now." He sang. He went towards you, leaving Kevin behind.

That wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to get mad.

You looked at Kevin and saw a look on his face that explained all of it to you.

Before y/n was there:

Kevin sat down at the counter, swinging back and forth on his rolly chair as he waited for Diego's arrival.

He had a whole plan planned out, he was going to mention you as much as he could to get him mad. Then, he would text you to come down the stairs to finish it off.

Once Diego arrived, Kevin was quick to start talking about you. He texted you to let you know he was here.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" Kevin asked as he sat up straight. Diego's eyes searched around the area before returning his eyes back to Kevin.

"I actually have a never mind on that." Diego whispered. Kevin was a little stunned, but didn't care about it.

Diego smelled the air a but, flaring his nostrils as a reaction. "Do you have a girl over?" He asked. Kevin was very much confused on a random question of that, but after that panic hit him like a beam.

"No?" He replied, his voice becoming higher each sentence. Diego obviously didn't believe that, though the scent of that perfume he smelt was highly contagious. He smelt that before surly.

"Did you have that same girl here before me?" Diego questioned. Kevin stayed quiet, thinking of what girl he had over- oh, y/n.

"Uhhhh yeah actually- she was just here.actually." He said rapidly. Diego grunted out of nowhere, making Kevin a little anxious.

"Anyways, how have you been? Has y/n been giving you trouble-"

"Why are you mentioning her?" Diego scowled. The tone of his voice made Kevin shriek with fear, did he know?

Kevin placed his hands on his bouncing lap. "Just asking what's up, I hadn't been asking you a lot of stuff lately because I've been hanging out with y/n and stuff-"

"Is she here?"

Kevin froze, stiff. His eyes darted between Diego's head. Panic emerged from his body, his heart thumping. He knows.

"N-no." He whispered.

Just as that lie flew out his mouth, you walked down the stairs.

"aw shit."

Diego greeted you in a nice manner, even though his body posture was off.

You felt so...lost. How are you and Kevin going to make a plan to get Diego mad, and fail? How's that even possible?

With a sigh, you sat down on a counter. Swaying your legs like a little kid and bowing your head towards the two men whom were laughing non stop over jokes.

Kevin just wanted Diego to not be mad at him, making small talk and laughing. Though he didn't know what to do about the failed attempt to make him mad. He just wanted to help you for one thing because you always did that for him.

But unfortunately, this went bad. He felt as he was betraying you in some way because of this. It was a weird feeling that he only feels with you, he just wanted to help you. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Well, I'm going to get going." You said, leaving the house without the responses.

What a joke you felt.

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