(40) Awkward...

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Y'all's comments were funny asf lmao

Anyways last smexy time was bad because it was their 'first time' and couldn't add any flavor. Idk lol


Here you were. On your way to work.

Maybe this won't be ask awkward because it's a game day? Hopefully it won't be awkward at all. You couldn't stop thinking about Diego that night. His vocals and features corrupted your thinking space and all you could see was Diego's face when you closed your eyes.

Also, you had done this with Diego. Not Kevin, not Val, Diego! Someone you despised since you first saw him, someone you hated since you first heard. Diego! And you hated the fact that you wanted to do it again. How he was so gentle, kind, sweet. He didn't rush you, he didn't take advantage of you in such a moment.

No one has ever done that before. Why did this feel so good?

You got down and waited for the players to come out. You sat down near the benched players, still having that soreness in between your legs. You waited for Diego to come out, just wanting to see him again.

To your luck, he sat down right next to you. His body was covered up with a pink jersey and his Mexican one on the bottom of it.

"Hey y/n." He greeted. You bit your smile back and greeted him. Diego looked ahead of him, watching the game start as he came closer to you. Butterflies swarmed your body, leaving no room for any other feeling.

He turned his attention back to you, admiring your face. Just yesterday you and him were connected on a whole other way, that thought brought a smile to his face. "You look beautiful today." He complemented. You blushed and turned your head away from him, though his eyes never stopped looking at you.

"Thank you. What's up with you being nice?" You questioned, half joking. Diego bit his lip and stared into your eyes. You stared back into his eyes, seeing the cuteness in them. You almost wanted to kiss his cute little face.

"Can I...can we go to a restaurant after this?" He asked, his little voice sounding lower each second. You bit your bottom lip, well you couldn't go after that.

You had a coffee shop to attend to right after this.

You stared at him, seeing his hopeful face. You almost wanted to give in, but you had some things to take care of first. You looked down at your feet in embarrassment. "I can't today. Tomorrow I promise you we can. If you still want to, that is." You spoke.

Diegos face slowly drifted down, obviously not liking the way you declined his offer. "Y-yeah of course. Tomorrow." Diego breathed out, it was slightly humiliating to the fact he just got turned down by you. That is one thing he would never thought to happen.

You frowned. You wanted to go and spend time with him, you really did. But you had some things to take care of, but after that you swore to dedicate your personal time for him.

You put your hand on his thigh, looking at him in a lovely way. He stared at you, you didn't miss that little tint of pink on his cheeks. You wondered what Diego was thinking about all of this, sure you guys weren't 'official' but you couldn't find a reason why not?

Well, for Diego, his mind was all over the place. After the...stuff with you and him, he wanted to spend basically all of his time with you. He wanted to waste all of his money for you, and practically just make you his. But of course, his job gets in a way for a lot of that. It would be easier to focus on soccer instead of you, but what's the fun in that?

Besides, he has you right where he likes it. Whenever he wants, he could go to you, share his love, and return his focus back on soccer.

Diego got your hand off of his thigh, and placed it under his shirt. You hesitated, staring at his eyes that were focused on the field ahead of him. Half of you thought he was blindly doing this, and he had no idea.

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