(52) Oh shit.

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NO smexy time happend. Js to let you guys know because I didn't want to rob you guys.

***all that happened was js more kissing***

Read till the end...😘

The rest of that week went smooth, you and Diego's relationship had grown so much.

Even if nothing really happened between those 7 days, it felt like a wild trip.

The team had noticed some off behavior between you two, but none of them said anything. They didn't want to get in between you two because well you guys are confusing.

Diego has been acting the same. Sort of. Whenever he teases you he makes so to kiss you, touch you, wink at you to let you know that he's just playing.

Something he didn't do before.

Now, you were still at the hotel. The last game was Mexico vs Portugal. After that, you'll go home and practically live right next to Diego. That's something you were found off, living right next to him.

You'll see him everyday, talk to him, maybe even visit his window whenever you wished. That was something you looked forward to.

Even though you and Diego haven't gone official yet, you knew that your heart belonged to him.

Or so you thought.

Because here you were, walking out and meeting some of the Portugal players. And that's when you saw him.

Your feelings came rushing at you. This was not good.

The person who took your innocence.

The person who seen you vulnerable first.

The person who had you heart back in college.

Joao Felix.

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