(25) That Laugh.

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Oh but it can.

2 weeks have past by and you and Val's relationship had grown much better and stronger, while for Diego's his relationship has been going on and off.

Ever since Diego payed a little bit more attention to his actions without you he's been getting into his head a lot. Thinking about 'have I always been this self conscious or was this when y/n came around?' And 'has my sadness always been this high or is that just when y/n left?'

One thing he has noticed is him being less focused on his games and practice ever since you left. The substitute for you was a real pain in the ass because she was old and always cranky. Diego even thinks about whenever you come back how much harder it will be, but with the new sub Diego wants you back sooner.

One thing Diego will admit is how fun it was when he had check ups with you. He's always like the way your hands would stutter whenever they were remotely close to his thighs, chest, waist. That's the thing he always liked, how you would get so nervous around him. Diego thinks that part of the nervousness is you thinking Diego's going to do something or say something.

Which is probably true.

Although he would never admit it, in the back of his mind he secretly loves to see it. To him, he finds it so cute, but he wants to say loyal to his girl. If he doesn't want Lux talking or thinking to other men than Diego can't talk to girls either. Much think about one.

But that mentality slowly declined each day you were gone. Whenever he was subbed out on his games he looks around to see if you may had came back sooner. He doesn't know why he searches for you all the time, but he does. Whenever he catches himself he dose off, once again, thinking about you.

Sometimes he blames Kevin for making him think about you so much. If he never had that realization he would have never thought about you so much.

The pit in his stomach also grows whenever he thinks about you. He thought it was just out of pure hatred, but would pure hatred feel so good? He loves the feeling when he thinks about you, and it's a reason why he thinks about you so often now. He feels all warm and safe inside.

Him and Lux have been on and off, mostly about sex. Diego stood up from himself and said he didn't want to, and Lux did leave him alone about it for a couple of days before asking about it again.

He wishes sometimes he was single, because it's not only sex she's asking about, it's many other things. Lux is a jealous little women. She never leaves Diego alone about other girls looking at him all the time. Diego, in fact tries to tell her that there's nothing to worry about but of course Lux doesn't listen.

She even tries to make Diego jealous by obviously flirting with other men in front of him, it used to get to him but it's not like he has anything to worry about. Sure Lux is a attractive women, just not many's type. If she wants to actually cheat on him he wouldn't mind it, honestly sometimes he wishes she would.

It annoys Diego on how toxic and possessive Lux is over him. I mean, how can someone be so worked up over a person like this? that will never be Diego.


Overall, he's been stressing a lot while you been gone. For his girl, for his team, for you. For that, his temper has been going up. He has been snapping at a lot of people because of his stress. It sucks.

His eye bags have been getting darker, and his face is now naturally angry. Honestly, he looks kind of hot. His eyebrows narrowed down and his serious face was hot as hell.

Diego's mindset was going crazy, he doesn't now how long it's gonna take him to go back to normal. Anything would be good to him. Even you returning that he so desperately wants.

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