(41) Poured out my whole heart to a piece of shit

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A/n feeling like lana del rey with these long ass

*** these long titles are based off songs because I am unoriginal***(might change later)

Hot tears stained your cheeks. Your vision was blurry and you could barely see ahead of you. Yeah, this was a good time to go to work.

Just what you needed, after screwing up a relationship with your man. Well technically he isn't your man, but still, you guys were something. That's what made it hard for you to stop crying over this. You wiped off wet mascara from your eyelids and walked in.

You ignored everyone, just walking past people. It was out of embarrassment that you were crying, and you didn't want these men to see that. You had enough criticism in your life you couldn't deal with more.

You sat down on your chair, zoning out at a random object. You weren't even thinking about anything, you just rested your eyes for you didn't get a tone of sleep that night. Actually, you don't recall getting any sleep that night. The only thing you remember in your blurry vision was tears, crying, whining, and sniffling.

Not to mention that you had a big headache.

You swung around in your chair, no energy at all that was rubbing through. You almost liked the comforting feeling. Quiet, spacious, comfy, It's everything you would like. But not like this, you wanted Diego with you. You were almost desperate to see him, even after what he did to you.

Eventually, you went to work. Taking notes and doing emails. You tried your best to just get Diego out of your head. But he just kept finding his way back into you.

You got up and went to see the players. We're You searching for Diego? Not exactly. Did you want to see him? Maybe. You didn't like seeing him with another girl, so you just wanted to get one last look at him without his girl next to him.

But when you looked his way, you saw Lux right next to him. She was kissing his cheek and holding his waist, Diego leaned into it. Though he didn't show much affection back to her. You smiled to yourself at that, then changed your expression after catching yourself.

You saw Diego look towards your way, a little smile aperread on his face before kissing Lux back with too many kisses to count. As much as if stung, you didn't feel to much. It's like you expected it.

Maybe this didn't hurt you, but oh boy were you in for a treat.

The whole training day consist Diego's wet kisses all over Lux. Where did she even come from? You don't know. But you weren't annoyed at the fact Lux was with Diego, it's just how fast Diego moved on from you.

He didn't even look at you once, it's like his whole focus was on Lux. That did piss you off, a lot. You hated how Diego would treat Lux with the same treatment you were given by him just last week.

And you weren't even at fault, Val was. He kissed you without permission, which I guess was common between you but still. Also Diego didn't give you any room to speak about the situation. He just left like he was waiting for the chance to. You bet he didn't even feel any remorse for what he did.

It annoyed you to the roof. Did he not care? Why was he acting like this and not even giving you chances? Was he even hurt? Was this his chance to just leave you? Thoughts roamed around your head. Circulating in a motion that put you in dizziness.

You found yourself in your office again. After doing laps around to different players and co workers, you finally were back at your desk.

The day was dim, and it was almost time to go home. Some players even left, and some stayed behind for extra. You turned on your little lamp and wrote down notes on your pad. Some things about players, and important emails you needed to answer. You came across a note that was meant for Diego.

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