(15) Tempted

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The last couple of days in your job were hell.

For instance, Kevin wouldn't stop bugging you about the party that he so desperately wanted you to attend. You kept on telling him no because it's not even a necessary party, and it's barely even considered a party at all.

The 'party' is just the Mexican team celebrating the win against their rivalry. Also, Diego's new stupid girlfriend. You didn't want to go to that party, it's not even relevant to you. Heck, you just wanted to do your job and not get associated with all this mess.

But you are.

Legit, if you were to go to his party, all you're going to do is go in Diego's house and leave within 30 seconds. You can't even be near Diego at all anymore, not after what happened in that game. Whenever you see him at work, you just scrambled and ran to the opposite side of the building.

It's pretty embarrassing, well at least for you. Imagine seeing a women leaping from side to side whenever she sees a certain dude. Yep. That's you.

You shook your head and replied to yet another email you're boss wanted you to take. You would have quit already if it wasn't for this high paying job and your mom.

You felt thirsty and realized that you hadn't drank or eaten anything for the past 2 days. That's a lot! The last thing you remembered eating was a small peace of gum yesterday. Geez, no wonder why your parched.

You groaned as you got up and got your water bottle. Your legs were lumped and you struggled to even get to the water bottle filler thing.

You lazily tossed your bottle under the water dispenser and waited for the water to come out. You heard giggling and laughing in the distance but you didn't think much nothing of it. Honestly, you didn't know if you were delusional or hallucinating because of not being filled with liquid and or food.

You then stumbled back once you felt a hard tug on the back of your colar. You turned around and were meet with a pare of blue eyes. Confused, your face scrunched up and you shook your palm.

"Yeah?" You asked as you tugged your shirt back in place. The women looked you up and down with a harsh stare before mumbling something under his breath. You shook your head and sighed, taking the water bottle out of the dispenser.

She backed up a bit when she was meet with a brunette girl with dark brown eyes and a slim body figure. Your eye brows lifted and your mouth went agape at the sight. After about 10 seconds of silence, you decided to start walking back to your direction.

The brunette was quick to stop you, to which you just went the other way with an unbothered stance. The blonde girl leaped in front of you, you sighed and looked at both of the girls blocking your path.

"What do y'all want?" You asked. The girls then stood up straight with a mean stare at you. "What's up with you and Diego, Hm?"the blondie questioned. Your face formed into a smile at such a stupid question.

"Nothing?" You laughed out. The blonde narrowed her eyebrows as she got closer.

"Really? Because you seemed awfully close to him." The blondie stated. You bite the inside of your cheek as you squinted your eyebrows in mad confusion.

"Uhh...pardon me?" You said in a asking manner. The blond girl girl rolled her eyes and darted her gaze at the brunette behind you.

"Look, I don't know what you have with him... but it needs to stop. He is mine." The blondie threaten. You looked at her features carefully and let out a 'ohhh' after realizing who she is.

"You're Diego's new girlfriend right? I thought I remembered you." You chuckled, holding your cup of water like a dad as you slouched your back. "Yes! And if you don't leave him alone. Your done."

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