(49) Stuck with You

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Idk how I feel about this one😓😓

It's gonna get kinky up in here tho 😝😝

"I think we're stuck."

Diego's lips parted, not knowing what you meant since he was still in the heat of the moment. "What?"

You held up a finger and took the vibrating device out of your pocket. You checked to see who was calling you, Memo. That's odd, why would he be calling you? Maybe it has something to do with the elevator.

You picked up the phone. "Hello?" You heard sudden movements thru the phone before a deep voice was heard.

"Hello? Y/n where are you?" Memo asked. You raised an eyebrow and turned away from Diego. "The elevator, why?"

A little gasp was heard from the phone. That made you a little anxious, turning back around to see Diego staring at you with focused eyes and ears. "Y/n, we just got news right now that the elevator is broken."

You froze. You felt your anxiety rise, you turned around to see Diego on the floor. His head was hanging low and his arms were covering his head. Little noises of worry flew from his mouth. You slowly turned back around and held your phone closer to your mouth.

"Broken? What do you mean?" You asked, confused on the situation. Yeah it's broken, but how? Why? You felt anxious and you really needed to get out of here.

"Something in the movement wasn't working good, don't worry it's not too serious. They are fixing it right now as we speak." Memo assured. Even if it wasn't too bad, you couldn't help but feel nervous, anxious, worried. You felt the need to get out of there, to leave and have a deep breath in and out.

"How long will it take?" You asked, nervously. Memo clicked his tongue and estimated the time. "Around an hour or two."

A hour? Alone with Diego?

"Hey, y/n, is anyone else there with you?" You heard Kevin say thru the phone. You hesitated, "uhh yeah, Diego."

You heard little giggles before the phone call ended. You turned around, nervously. You saw Diego curled up in a ball, his hands were hugging his body and his legs were curled up to his torso.

"What are you doing?" You asked. Diego stayed like that for a moment, then he sat up and stared at you in the eyes. "It's called anxiety, we all have it."

Yeah, Diego was anxious as well. He's always hated the thought of being trapped somewhere for more than an hour with no escape. Especially with a place like an elevator, he as struggling to keep his cool in without freaking out. Because now he was tired, worried, anxious, nervous, stressed and frustrated.

You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say next. I guess the next thing you said really made Diego worked up.

"I'm sorry, Diego. I guess I should use this time to tell you I'm sorry." Sorry for what exactly? You don't know. You guess you felt sorry in general. But saying sorry felt right to you, like you owed him an apology over something you did that hurt him. You felt relieved to your shoulders, like you had been carrying a big boulder.

Diego's ears flattered to the sound of your pretty little voice cooing him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't just a little turned on. Even on situations like this he couldn't control his hormones. Especially when you said his name like that, with an apologetic attitude. It only made Diego feel frustrated even more.

Catching himself, he remind calm and collected. "Yeah." Was all he said. His vocals were low, deep, raspy. He didn't want to deal with another lead up argument again. He's already stress enough, the frustration was way to high for him to even speak about anything.

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