(54) Feelings

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"Open your eyes!" Diego said, taking his hands off of your face.

You slowly opened your eyes, scared and excited to see what would be in front of you.

Once you opened your eyes, you saw the sun hit your eyes. Below that, you saw you were on a hill. The grass had a big vibrant color to it, making the green grass pop out. You could see the sun slowly start to set over the ocean that twinkled with ease. Rocks filled the sandy land below you, as well as seals and other animals that you couldn't quite catch. Needles to say, the view was extremely well.

You just admired it, looking at its quality's in awe. You then turned to Diego while the sunset beamed onto his skin. "This is...wow." You were speechless. Diego smiled and grabbed your back, leading your body down so you could sit. "I know. It's wonderful." He said.

You felt the pokey grass tickle your lower back. as you sat down. "Really Diego, this is beautiful." You said, amazed. Diego felt proud of himself, watching you view the sunset in glory.

The sound of rustling leaves and the brief sound of waves hitting the shore hit your ears. You loved it, you loved all of it. You were mostly surprised that Diego was so...thoughtful. You always viewed him to be mean, strict, dominant. But today, he looked soft.

"Here." He said, pulling your attention towards him as he got something out of his pocket. You watched his pull a little black bag out of his pocket. He then grabbed your hand and opened it so he could see your palm, lowering the bag onto your hand. You took a second to stare at it, the object was small, yet it looked big. You could feel the slenderness of the object thru the bag.

"Open it!" Diego encouraged, seeing you just fiddling with it. You nodded and used to to strings to pry it open, once you got it open you grabbed the item out and used your to fingers to stretch it. It was a bracelet-, no. Not a bracelet. You fumbled around with it before you saw a gold imprint in it. It had the letter 'D' into it. "Uhm..." you hummed. You were still confused on what the jewel was.

Diego rolled his eyes and snatched the slender object right out of your hands. "It's an anklet. You use it for this." He pushed you down with one hand, and using his other he lifted up your pants from your ankles. He then swiftly applied the anklet onto your ankle with ease. "See!" He said. You crouched up to see the golden chain on your ankle, shining under the sunset.

It really did look wonderful. "Wow. You- you want me to wear this for you?" It's an obvious answer. But it still confused you on how just last month you two hated each other. Now, it's like he can't get enough of you. You couldn't help but feel shady about it. Especially since he never truly confessed to you on how he feels.

Diego playfully rolled his eyes and laid on top of you. "Duh, why? You don't want it?" He asked, stuffing his face into your chest. You knit your eyebrows and bit the inside of your cheek. You let him rest himself on you for a bit, not responding to his question. Diego didn't noticed, but it's been on your mind.

You sat up, watching him slide off. "Diego, can you tell me how you feel?" You asked, just wanting to hear the truth behind him. He chuckled and tried to kiss your neck, when your rejected his attempt, he grew a little angry. "What do you mean?" He asked, frustrated that you didn't let him kiss you.

You took a deep breath. "Like...do you love me? Do you hate me? When did you stop hating me? Did you ever stop hating me? Do you still hate me?"

He narrowed his eyes on you and clenched his jaw. "You think I don't love you?" He asked, rough tone. You franticly shook your head in denial. "No no no. I'm just asking what you feel about me." You clarified.

His face relaxed, his tense muscles declining. "Ah, I see." He said, now realizing what you were saying. He took a deep, sharp breath and released it with nervousness. He moved around the grass, wanting to be on you again to feel your warmth. Though that thought disappeared when he started to think about you.

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