(42) Plotting

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Sorry for not updating I've just had a busy week😭 anyways just enjoy this chapter and NEXT chapter will be much better.

Also Vote, who enjoys the smexy time with Diego? And if you do would you like to see more because I'm thinking of not doing anymore but idk.

Anyways enjoy


Normally, you were a reserved person. Trying your best to do good and not get into any trouble.

But here you were, drunk as shit. Laid down on your coach and barely awake. It was late, and all you thought about was Diego's little bitch, Lux. Oh how badly you hated her, and how badly you hated Diego. You wanted to see him get crush the same you felt that day.

Which lead you do calling Val's phone, yeah you could have maybe found some random guy, show him something he likes, and then take him back to your place. But no, that's not what your drink mind wanted. It wanted Val's kisses, and it wanted Diego's vision of it.

So you called him, apologized to him for last time, and asked him to come over. The good thing is that he agreed with no hesitation, and came right away.

You dressed up. Putting a little bit of makeup and something reveling. You would have never done this, but you just broke down. You wanted to do this out of pettiness. Out of desperation. And out of loneliness. You felt like shit, just wanting validation from anyone.

You haven't felt this low since...never mind.

You jumped out of your thoughts, hearing someone knock on the door. You immediately leaped up and opened it, seeing Val right in front of you. He was wearing mostly white, just a little bit of black. You welcome him with open arms and lead him into your room.

Once you made it to your room, you went to business. You kissed him, hoping that he would want to as well. Thankfully, he kissed back. You couldn't remember much, and if you guys even talked to each other before that. But who cares, you were doing you.

You kissed him, gave him hickys. Doing everything to him, you were having so much fun you almost forgot to do the main part.

You got out your phone, and took a picture of you licking down Val's bare chest. It was clear as day that you had given him a lot of hickys, and the both of you guys were sweating. If anyone were to see that, assumptions were to be made. Such as, love making, oral, and others.

But you didn't do that to him at that time. Or at least to your memory you didn't do that. These days your memory had failed you. Anyways, you posted it on your Instagram story, turned off the phone, and lived your moment with Val.

Only to feel disgusted by it the next day.


As soon as you woke up you checked your phone. You scrolled down to Instagram and checked who viewed your story.

Kevin, Val, some random person, some random person, some random person, chucky- wait he had your insta?Whatever, some random person, some random person...


A new type of excitement filled your body up. You almost wanted jump up and down and squeal like a little girl on her birthday party. But you contained yourself, and pretended like it didn't effect you that much.

You got your stuff, and went to work. A weird tingly sensation erupted in your body the whole way there, wanting to see Diego's stupid face. You wanted to let Diego know that he's not the only one who has options. Because you could go to Val whenever you wanted, and it's not like you wanted to anytime soon. But maybe.

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