(23) Kisses for everyone

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Diego pulled up to Lux's house. Him and Lux had been arguing and fighting a lot more than usual. Simple things like, "Who are you texting?", "Stop looking at her" and other random arguments that don't even make sense.

It's a matter of jealousy, anger, and lust. Well at least for Lux. For Diego we aren't sure, because he isn't sure. His mind isn't as focused on his girl than it should have been. His brain wonders a lot of different things in each minute and it's hard for him to keep up with his own life when he's too worried about another's.

That leads to a lot of arguments with his girl, but he doesn't try to stop them. In a way that's weird...he sort of misses arguing. Ever since you been gone which was now a full week Diego's sassy comments and mindset had been running around into different people. One of them being his own girlfriend.

Sure he could stop his comments from escaping his mouth, but the sound of hatred fulfills his desire. Desire of what you may ask? Well, Diego doesn't quite know. Hopefully he will know soon so he could understand himself better. But this past week he's been losing himself. Maybe some of it has to be because of you, but Diego doesn't think so.

Lux has noticed his behavior and doesn't like it one bit. Of course Diego has tried to make her forget what he says and does by bathing her in money and praises. It does work, however Lux doesn't forget fully.

Diego got out of his car and opens the door without even making sure she's in there. Thankfully he didn't walk in on anything he shan't had. Lux laid there, she was wearing a skirt and some crop top with converse. She was chilling on the coach and eating potato chips.

Diego's eyes waisted no time to wonder around her setting. The whole place was pretty clean, besides the messy girl in front of him. He didn't even bother checking her outfit out, mostly because he was too busy to. As again, he's mind wasn't paying attention to that.

"Im here." Diego announced. Lux looked at him lazily, and sat up. She brushed down her skirt and adjusted her crop top. He wasn't sure, but he thought he saw her lifting her skirt up a little further than it should have. Maybe not. Who cares.

She let out a chuckle that scratched Diego's brain(and not in a good way.)
"Diego! I have some things planned for us!" She squealed in excitement. Diego walked slowly by her, not too close for comfort though.  Lux stood up and dragged Diego by his arm, making sure her grip was nice and tight so he wouldn't escape.

She rushed to the door of her bedroom, making sure that Diego knew where she was bringing him. Once she opened the door, she pushed Diego in and shut it close, locking it.

"I've been waiting to do this, Diego." She said smoothly. It was no doubt that she was attractive in this moment. Her hair was curled that reached her waist, her eyes were narrowed and her lips were plumped. Her figure was amazing. Curvy in just the right places. Her cheekbones were high, and her legs were long.

You could clearly see the print of her boobs pressing tight onto the thin fabric. Diego's eyes traveled her body, not letting anything go unseen. Sure she was attractive,

But even at her best she was a 0/10 compared to you.

Diego's eyes widened. His breath hitched loud and he stepped back. Did he- why would he think that? Why was he thinking about you in the first place? It's obvious that Lux is trying to have a special night for them two only. So why was he thinking about you?

Diego shook his head and stepped forward, he forcefully smashed his lips onto Luxs plumped ones. A little soft moan was released from her, but Diego stayed silent as he made out with her.

It wasn't passionate , it wasn't a nice, beautiful session. It was more irritating then anything. Her lips felt okay. Not as good as he was anticipating. He wasn't even planning on making love with her even though that's what Lux wanted. He wasn't in the right mind set to. Even if he really wanted to, he couldn't.

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