(38) Wet Dreamz

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I have no idea how to camp, I've never been camping b4 ..🧍‍♀️

Diego left you there. You didn't know what to feel.

But it wasn't anything positive. Why had he been acting like a good person all day, and then the next morning he switched up? That didn't make sense to you at all. You shrugged off the disproval and went out of the tent.

The light was dim, you could start to see the outlines of the clouds, you didn't have your phone on you but you could tell it was early in the morning. You went around the campfire, seeing people huddled up around it. You sat down on a dry log, staring at the flames and enjoying the heat it brought.

"Alright guys, we can eat marshmallows as breakfast, I brought gram crackers and Hershey bars." Kevin announced. He came around and gave everyone crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey bars. You took them, and grabbed a stick on the ground. You wiped it off and put the marshmallows on them, letting them get roasted over the fire.

You heard someone sit next to you, you looked to your side and saw Diego. His eyes were concentrated on his roasting, and his hand were stiff on his body. You looked at him before returning your sight back at the marshmallow. You took it off, to see that it's burnt.

You groaned and rolled your eyes, while you could hear brief laughter to the side of you. You turned to see Diego holding in his laughter. "I like your marshmallow." Diego said, holding back his laugh. You shook your head, you liked it better when he barely talked to you.

You didn't respond, you just keep doing your thing. The smell of burnt wood and flames invaded your nostrils, you payed attention to the small things around you to forgot that Diego was right next to you. It did work, just listening to birds slowly start chirping more and more, and the players telling jokes to each other.

Each passing second the sun would rise higher, and higher. Though the thought of talking to Diego was too much for you to handle. For some odd reason, you wanted to talk to him. Even if he was being a jerk, you still felt the need to start up a small conversation with him. It would take away your need to speak, since you haven't even been talking a lot.

"So, Diego, have a good sleep last night?" You asked, tauntingly. Diego looked at you for a spilt second before returning his vision back on his marshmallow. "A good dream." He said, smiling to himself.

You nodded and ate a s'more. "Yeah? About what?" You asked.

Diego stumbled over his words, "N-none of your concern." You nodded at his sentence, just continuing your marshmallow process. Still having the lingering thought of his rudeness, not sure if you even wanted to know the answer.


After breakfast, you and Kevin shared some conversations, you talked to some of the players. You hadn't talk to Diego after that, he didn't pay mind to your existence the first hours of the day.

That's until you bumped into him, on accident. "Shit my bad." You spoke, Diego looked down at you.

"Maybe you should I don't know, keep your head up while you're walking. Idiot." He suggested. You slightly parted your lips.

"Geez dude all I said was sorry-"

"Yeah I heard your pathetic voice the first time." He pushed past you and went into the tent. You were highly confused, but you didn't want to bother him anymore. Instead, you went to Kevin.

You found him staring at the water flow, enjoying his days off. "Hey Kevin." You said, sitting down next to him on the soft dirt. Kevin looked at you, and then back at the water. "Hey." He said. You brushed off your legs that had grass stains on them.

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