(11) The Aftermath

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Crying. That's all you did. Everyone's attention went straight to you. Your mind was messed up.

Diego watched as your poor body was on the floor as your cried River's, just as he manifested.

"Diego! What the hell?" Kevin shouted in rage. Diego didn't feel any remorse for what he had said. Like I said before, he would do anything to just get you away from him.

People stopped their chatter and everyone was staring at you. It was so humiliating, though, you barely felt any embarrassment when all you felt was depression, anger, and disgust.

You didn't want to cry, but you just couldn't hold back that built up tears. They were like banging on the door, waiting to be released, and Diego opened that door for them. It's not surprising to you that he would say something like this, but so many questions roamed through your mind.

Like, why would he say that? Why would he say that IN FRONT of people. Another question roamed through your head.

How did he know?

You quickly left up your head, you didn't pay  mind to the crowed that formed within seconds. All your focus and attention was on Kevin.

"Did, did you tell him?" You hissed. Despite the loud music and the desensitized stares that formed within the area, Kevin tried his best to keep calm at such a historical moment.

"No! I don't know how he knows!" Kevin shouted. You wiped your eyes and started between the two men. You wanted to believe Kevin so bad, but you being drunk and adding up all the dots it didn't make sense to you to not blame him.

"Oh really? Because it's a real Coincidence that right after I told you that story I NEVER tell anyone Diego knows the day after!" You yelled back.

There was a wave of 'ohhh' right after you said that in the crowd. Weirdly enough, that sort of encouraged your to keep standing your ground, because you were on the edge to keep on crying like a little whiny person.

You didn't want to be like that anymore. So you sucked it up and stood up tall, almost like challenging anyone in your way.

Kevin didn't know what else to say, he's last resort was to talk to Diego about how he knew, but when he looked at him all he could do was question, 'why?'. So he decided not to talk, especially in front of many people.

Memo finished his make out session with his wife, when he heard a loud raging noise coming from a certain area.

"Stay right here." He said. He then stood up and followed the noise which lead him to a crowd circling around 3 people.

He saw, two men with distress looks and a female that he recognized was you with tears in your eyes and smothered mascara.

"AY LOS TRES! OUTSIDE WITH ME NOW!" He shouted at the top of  his lungs. Everyone's attention went to Memo, and hearing his rough voice all three young adults followed after memo.

Your unsteady legs were as wobbly as a newborn puppy. You felt a rush of adrenaline hit your body when you realized a whole bunch of people saw you cry your eyes out. You stayed behind the group, and stayed quiet as well as you made your way outside.

All three of you guys were in for it.

The cold but fresh air hit the sensitive parts of your skin, making chills form all along your arms, and all the other exposed parts. Each breath you took was released with a cold blow of smoke out of your mouth like a dragon.

The wind also wasn't a big help, it only made you uneasy.

"What happened out there?" Memo asked. The boys looked at each other, not sure what to say. Both of them wanted to tell What they heard and thought in the situation, but it was all too much in such a short time.

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