(46) Confession

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This is gonna be bad...sorry!

"Alright boy, what's up with you?" Memo asked.

Diego sat down on the uncomfortably small chair. His back was pressed up against the wall as he tried his best not to hiss in pain. Memo raised an eyebrow and slapped the table to get his attention.

"I said what's up with you?" Memo repeated. Diego looked up at him in confusion. First he was brought here under his will, now Memo was making him even more frustrated with his bickering. Diego had no clue how he even got here, or when he even got here.

Annoyed, Diego huffed and rolled his eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked. Memo clicked his tongue and shook his head. Leaning back on his black leather chair, he sighed and looked down at the little guy. "Okay, I'll explain." Memo said.

Memo cleared his throat. "Recently, I've seen a change in your behavior. Now, this change is something I've never seen before in you." Memo explained.

Diego moved uncomfortably in his seat. He doesn't like the way people could till his behavior was off. "Like what?" He asked curiously.


Memo shook his head. "Tell me, who's the lucky girl?" He asked. Memo knew that Diegos life had been impacted, dearly. Out of all his years, he's never seen Diego so focused on something other than soccer. It intrigued him, Memo knew that something like this was caused by a girl. Or maybe not just a regular girl. Someone Diego has had eyes on for a while. Because what else?

Diego swallowed hard. "Lucky girl? There is none." He chuckled out. Memo nodded slowly, obviously not believing Diego's lie.

"Right. Look I can tell your stress, tell me the girl and I can help you win her." Memo demanded. Diego squirmed around in his seat.

Diego inhaled deeply, before exhaling sharply. "It's. Y/n."

Memo wasn't to shock at that. The way Diego always stares at you was something the whole team caught on. Though what were the odds that Diego would admit to that? Memo got lucky with Diego here.

"I Thought you hated her?" Memo questioned. Diego shrugged his broad shoulders and looked to the side. "It's hard to explain." He replied. Memo smiled.

"Tell me all about it. I promise I can help." Memo promised. Diego folded his lips into a straight line. He looked off to the side for a second, then slowly looked back at memo.

"Really? You will listen to me talk about her?" Diego asked. Memo smiled wildly and raised his eyebrows In excitement. "Yes, of course."

Diego grinned wildly. "Really? And you'll listen to me about how much I miss her? And how much I feel so alone without her?" Diego asked.

Memos smiled flattered a little, though he kept it up and shot a grin through his teeth. "Yeah...?"

Diego's smile only grew from there. "Oh, gosh. I mean i used to hate her. I used to hate every little part of her body." Diego started.

Memo listened closely and carefully onto his feelings. He's never seen Diego so invested in a sentence before.

"I've always wanted to see her get hurt. But whenever that happened, I wouldn't be satisfied." Diego continued. Memos smile slowly dropped, his tense muscles relaxing.

Diego deeply sighed, looking down at the floor with heavy breathing. "But now, I just can't stop thinking about her. It's like something snapped in me. When she left for 2 months, I felt lonely. Like I craved for her to be near me,"

Memo frowned as he leaned back and watched the love sick boy. He's never heard Diego do sincere about his emotions before. He would always deny, but now he's coming clean.

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