(36) Hicky problem

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That's what you felt. Not only did you and Diego have a special moment that you swore would never happen, but you enjoyed it so much.

All you could think about is Diego's hands, his long, veiny fingers plunging in and out of you with ease. His face that will leave a scar in your heart, and his voice that was like melody. The fact that he felt you up with no regrets, how he was so caring towards your body. Leaving no harsh marks, well except on your neck.

And also the fact that you were wrong. You had thought that Diego's act at the party was only because you actually tried to look good in a while. But no, he actually even fingered you while you had no makeup on. No dress, no makeup, and no jewelry. Yet he still pleased you in a way no man has before.

So if he didn't care about your looks...what else could he like?

You know what, it doesn't matter. He probably only did that to get an reaction out of you. He doesn't care for you, he doesn't love you, he doesn't even like you as a friend.

You shook off the swelling thought and went into your office. Doing your daily things, checking emails, checking players, yada yada. You even spotted Diego a couple of times, though he didn't seem to pay any mine to you. What a dick, he's going to do all of that and pretend that you're not there?

Whatever, don't even pay attention to him. Just do your work.

But it's hard to do your work when he's all you could think about. He's the only person roaming around in your mind, and honestly you don't know if you want to get rid of it. The feeling you get when you think about him is something else. Something different, and you've only felt this way before with someone else.


But he was ignoring you now, leaving you on delivered. It was frustrating, and when you first found out, you cried. All those moments were gone, and the sad part is that he was the only person you actually enjoyed to spend time with. His vibe was something else, so sweet, and passionate. You wish you could have him back, but he's gone.

You shook your head and chugged your water bottle. You don't need to think about him right now, just focus on work. That's all. You continue your emails, notes, etc.

You got up to stretch, looking out the glass window on the door, you saw Kevin standing there.

Just looking at you.

You slowly turned around, then back at him. This was awkward. This was strange, weird. Kevin opened the door and closed it, his head was jerked to the side as he focused on your neck. Whats up with him?

"Is that...a hicky?" Kevin asked. You froze, unable to move. Shit, you forgot what Diego had done. The hicky was dark purple, your lucky you had your hair down that day. If you didn't you didn't know if the coach would like that.

"Uhhh no?" You said, trying to act confused. Kevin whipped out his hand and dragged it across your neck. You felt him press on your hicky which made it turn white and then back to purple again. "Geez, what did he do to you?" Kevin asked.

You backed up and covered your neck with your hand. "It was...a one night stand! No feelings and just sex!" Well, that didn't help your case at all. Might as well tell Kevin that it was Diego's sloppy kisses.

"No, no no. This isn't just a hicky. His ass is trying to mark you!" Kevin punted. You raised an eyebrow at his comment.

"..Mark me?" You asked, baffled. Kevin shook his head and pressed on your hickys, that he just had noticed there was more. Kevin almost felt bad for you. Did this not hurt you? Kevin really doesn't know how people find joy in that.

"No man leaves hickys that big unless they want people to see it. Or very, very horny. Or in this case...it's both." Kevin shivered at the thought at that. He doesn't know much about those...activities. But one thing he does know a lot about is common sense. This was common sense right here.

"Is that bad?" You generally asked confused. Kevin shrugged. "I don't know. Ask Diego, he's the one that told me that." Kevin suggested. You sighed and looked around to find a mirror.

You hadn't seen them yet, you just brushed your teeth and hair and went out of the house as soon as you woke up. Once you found a mirror, you lifted your hair and posed to see the hickys.

They. We're. Big. Big purple dots all around your neck. Why had he left them so big? What was his actual purpose with these? Because there was no reason for them to be that big. Absolutely no reason.

"Where's Diego." You demanded. Kevin shrugged. "Outside, you probably shouldn't go by him because he's a little mad-"

You shoved past Kevin and went straight outside, you saw Diego warming up and doing dribbles. He didn't seem to notice you, or maybe he did and just chose not to look at you. Either way.

You grabbed his arm and dragged him. He he protested at first, trying to push you off, only go realize it's just you. His body cooled down and he let you drag him to wherever.

Once you pulled him aside, you pinched his jawline and made him face you. "Look at this!" You whispered screamed. Diego looked around your body at first, then to your neck. A little smile grew from his face, like he was enjoying the sight.

"They look wonderful." Diego said calmly. You grew a little angry, why wasn't he at least ashamed of what he's done? You couldn't help but feel so ashamed for you and Diego's activities yesterday. So why can't he? This is just proof that he only wants to get an reaction out of you. And it's working.

"Wonderful? They are dark as fuck! People can see them in the dark! How did you do that? How did you make them glow in the dark!?"

Diego tilted your head to the side, checking out his work on your neck. "Good." He said after finishing his scanning.

Your mouth dropped. "Good? This is bad! How am I supposed to hide this!?"

"You don't. Why would you want to hide them?" Diego sincerely asked. You bit your lip, Is he for real? It's highly unprofessional- you know what. Who cares.

"Because it's embarrassing!" You shouted.

Diego looked at you with his mouth opened 'o' shape. He then closed it after murmuring a 'wow'. "Embarrassing? Really?" His voice deepened within seconds.

"Uh yeah! Especially because they came from you." You mumbled. Diego let out a breath in disbelief. He shook his head and walked away, obviously not liking the way you talked about him.

You watched him storm off, when did it get so hot in here?

You saw Kevin walk up to you. "Told you not to talk to him. Anyways I'm inviting you and everyone else to my birthday celebration. Here." Kevin said. He gave you a card that had a place on it.

"What's this?"

"We're going camping. And we're leaving tomorrow. Coach said we don't have games until another week and that's enough time." Kevin explained.

You swallowed hard. "Ah shit, I forgot my tent back at my moms house."

"It's okay, you'll he sharing a tent." Kevin cooed. You raised an eyebrow.

"With who?"

Kevin smirked. "Diego."

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