(22) Val

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Before this starts.

This is not proof read. None of my chapters are so sorry but ima just say this now so y'all don't think I can't spell I swear it's autocorrect.


"Okay ma, just rest for now until I get things figured out." You soothed. Your mom laid down and closed her eyes without hesitation. You were surprised on how fast she started snoring, but you didn't mind it.

It's been 3 days since you left America. To your surprise, you actually were enjoying the time off. Still, you were working your ass of to help your mom, clean, cook, and working for Valentino.

Oh, did I forget to mention that?

As soon as you got home from the store, you cleaned up and made food for your mom. You got bored within minutes of not doing nothing after that. You tried calling Kevin but he didn't answer. So you called Valentino.

You weren't really expecting for him to answer at the time. But he did. And you were so glad. It wasn't Kevin or anyone you knew, but it was someone, and you were so greatful for him.

Sure you barely knew him, but talking to him felt so natural. You mentioned small things about your new life, he mentioned small things about his new life. It was a pretty good conversation that was filled with laughter and excitement. You felt happy for a moment, you felt relaxed hearing him. Which was so odd to you.

You had began talking more about your life after getting comfortable. You mentioned that you didn't have a job and needed money. It wasn't a plea for help. It wasn't for him to feel bad. It was just a little vent. Valentino seemed to Hear loud and clear though, he didn't judge at all. It had seemed he was the only person who heard you.

And you enjoyed the feeling of that for once. Of course you would bable stuff to Kevin time to time, but this felt different. Way different. Valentino offered you a job after listening to you. The job was working for taking care of his moms dogs. His mom was away on a trip and that's what he was here initially for, to take care of her dogs. But he said some things happened that he doesn't feel comfortable sharing. So he offered the job to you and he would give you the money.

The whole thing sounds like a whole mess, but you really do need the money because at the moment you weren't making any. But after some careful consideration, (and the tiredness in you) you ended the call with the thumbs up.

You drove to his house for day 2# of working with his dogs. His dogs were cute, funny, and large. He had 3 huskies. Which was a lot of work for you because they constantly need something. But the first day wasn't that bad because you and Valentino were just talking the whole time.

You walked through the door to see him already with his dogs. His hair was fluffed up today and he wore a white tee and black shorts. It was pretty hot that day so you didn't think anything of it.

You put your stuff on the table and got out a peace of gum. "Quieres?" You held out the gum to which he instantly snatched it. "Haven't had these in months." He muttered as he ripped out the piece.

You chuckled at his eagerness. "Really?" You asked in awe,"This is basically my diet..." you whispered. Valentino raised a eyebrow at your sentence. His hands brushed through his hair as he stared at the ground.

You watched his eyes scattered across the floor, his legs shaking and fingers tapping. Was he nervous? It has seemed like he wanted to ask something, but he just let it go instead.

"Let's just start off with you walking them, okay?" He Instructed. You nodded slowly and grabbed the leash from his hands. The dogs tails started wagging in excitement. You smiled and grabbed your phone.

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