(12) Bi Polar

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The local coffee shop you and Kevin would always used to go to, surprisingly, it was still in tack.

You sat down on the side tables all the way in the back. Hearing the door, repeatedly opening and closing. You had a messy bun, oversized hoodie, and no makeup on. People would occasionally walk by, taking a glance at your body and shape.

It was obvious that you didn't get a lot of sleep last night, with the crescent moon liked shapes under your eyes and the drained out face you wore. Your body was slouched, and your jawline was sharper than usual. Your eyes could have cut paper with how sliced it was.

You heard movement in front of you, you lazily looked up to see two men you wished you hadn't seen at all.

"Let's make this quick." Your thick voiced encouraged. Kevin and Diego sat down, both having no energy as well.

Your head was pulsing against your skull, and your stomach had major butterflies swarming around in them. "Can I say my point of view first? Since I was like in third person." Kevin asked. You looked up at him to see his very slouched body and horrible neck posture. He was as tired and warn out as you.

"Yeah." You approved. Your voice was so quiet and muffled that you could barely hear your own voice. Kevin sat up straight, and cleaned his throat.

"So, I was just making out with a girl. Okay? And then I heard you and Diego start arguing in the background. I didn't think nothing much of it until I heard what Diego said, then I heard you start crying, and one thing lead to another..." Kevin trailed.

You lazily gazed at the cup the he had in his firm grasp, watching as his hand was occasionally tighten and un-tighten its grip on the cup. Looking up at Kevin with limited effort, you quicken your breath and hitched it when you got cut off from talking.

"Who wants to go next?" Kevin said after a minute of silence. You grunted, annoyed at the fact he didn't see you try to speak. "I would." You scolded. Kevin nodded in agreement and placed his hands flat on the table with anticipation.

"I was lightheaded, and I didn't feel good at all. Which made my mood sour already, when Diego started to talk to me, I talked back. Then, when he said that thing that I can't even bring myself to say, I froze. It's a really sensitive subject and it was hard for me to even think about it." You explained.

Diego licked his lips, trying his best not to interfere with your sentence. He was too dragged out, and chasing sleep with each second. All he could think about was if he was actually in the wrong, for once in his life time he asked himself that question with you.

The butterflies in his stomach didn't help with his mind either, making him twitch with nervousness. It was rare when he felt this way, he usually always feels prepared and ready, but something about this setting was uneasy to his body.

His mind ached with annoyance knowing that his body was actually anxious right now. He didn't know if was to blame himself because of what he said to you, or to blame you for making this such a big deal.

He was so lost in his thoughts, hearing you speak in the background oddly soothed his body. He didn't know why, but he always liked when people spoke with a soft whisper and nothing else. Judging by the situation, Diego was okay with your voice for once, it made him sleepy and satisfied his tiredness.

Diego lightly rested his head on the counter, looking up at your clothed stomach with a gentle stare. He was truly tired and out of his mind.

"Diego." Kevin said.


"It's your turn."

Your eyes met Diego's sleepy gaze. Something about that little soft stare made your stomach do flips, instantly, you adjusted your body and mentally slapped your mind for thinking about such a thing.

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