(8) Stupid Dream

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You slowly kissed down his neck, feeling his hard abs and his chest.

You could hear Diego's moans and pleas for more, only making you so much more hormonal. You kissed his chest, and made your way down to his pelvis.

Slowly, you took down his pants, watching as his boxers were reveled.

"Mm, hurry up." Diego said raspy. It was no doubt that he was just as needy as you, if not, more. With that, you took down his boxers to be revealed his hard dick.

It sprung in the air, erect and dripping. Seeing the sight of that you took his cock and quickly started sucking. Up and down, side to side, it was so pleasuring to get filled up by this man's dick.

All you could hear was his cries and pleas for more, a whiny little man he was.

"Hear that? That's you, you begging for me. Where's that little attitude you had before huh?" You cooed. His moans only got higher with the adrenaline you put on him, making him feel so small with you.

He was so delicate right now.

For you.

Only you-

You woke up with a unstoppable heart rate.

You never have dreams like this, at all! You only ever had a dream that was so weird was when you were in the 10 grade.

You stood up and checked the time on your watch, you still had time to get ready for work.

As you stood up you felt a very uncomfortable sensation in between your legs, a mixture of burning anticipation and warm liquid. Weirded out, you went into the bathroom to check what it was.

You pulled your pants down to see your whole underwear soaking wet. Ah, a wet dream. Great, just what you needed. Annoyed, you quickly took a shower with cold water because there isn't any hot water.

Within 5 minutes you were out and putting new clothes on, ones that aren't soaked. You did your hair and put lotion on your legs since you were wearing shorts today because it was hot.

You were all ready, for a another day at work.


Once you arrived there, you saw the coach coming up to you.

"Did anyone have a injured leg? Or anything?" He asked. You sighed and held your head.

"Uh let me check my notes." You said as you opened up your notepad to see what names you wrote down. The only ones were Chucky and Diego. "Just Chucky and Diego."

He cleared his throat.

"Just? Oh that's a relief, I'll go talk to the boys today. What is wrong with them?"  He asked. You looked at your notes. " Chuckys legs are sensitive, and Diego's right leg is stiff." You said.

"Is that bad?" He asked.

"Not necessarily. I would just have to give them a check up everyday to make sure- I mean-"

"Oh that's good. I'll send Chucky and Diego down here." He said.

"Oh no!- I don't, I- omg." You sighed as you watched him walk away without even listening to you.

You felt so stupid. Why would you tell him that? Now he's going to bring Diego into here, you don't mind Chucky because he's funny, but Diego? He's not funny, cute, tall, I guess the best thing about him was his eyes.

His pretty, pretty eyes.

You heard a knock at the door to see Chucky, he smiled seeing you. You opened the door, letting Chucky slide right in.

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