(45) Lifestyle

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1 week later

"Holy fuck! I forgot about this deal!" You shouted.

You held out a paper that said you needed to move out of the apartment, ASAP. You only had a week to find a home, actually buy it, and move out all your shit. Only a week! That was going to be stressful and if you weren't so caught up on your work you would have noticed the pilled up letters of reminding you, daily.

The 5 months we're coming to an end, and you really needed a place to stay at. So instantly, you went online and tried to find houses for sale. It wasn't like you were poor, you had a good paying job and you could afford a great house. It's just that the chances getting a house that was good for your lifestyle was bad.

All you could find was 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms or other horrible things like that. Who needs 5 bedrooms when you live by yourself?!

After searching for hours and hours all you could find were houses that were too big for you. You called Kevin to ask how he found a good house that wasn't big.

But all he could say was that he got lucky, which sucked. You called other people and even took some time off of work in this emergency. But all they could help with was finding random houses that don't even match your description.

That's when you had to call Diego. You didn't want to go to him for help (considering the last time you saw him you we're making out with Val) but you had to. If it was to help you, you needed to ask anyone. But you couldn't help but feel guilty. Back a few months ago you wouldn't feel guilty about this, in fact I think you would be proud of this.

But after the moments you two shared, it was hard not to.

You cleared your mind and called his number. Hearing it ring that made your stomach twist and turn after each passing second. He didn't pick up after the first 3 rings. He's definitely not gonna pick up, why would he?

Oh. But to your surprise, he did. He picked up and he spoke through. "Yeah?" He asked. He didn't sound mad, annoyed, tired. In fact, he sounded excited.

"Look I'm sorry to bother you right now at this time, but can you help me? You don't got to say yes it's okay." You asked.

Silence formed in the call. You just listened intently to see if he was going to say anything. After a little bit, you assumed he just didn't want to. You assumed he was just stuck on saying no to you, though it wouldn't make sense considering he would always do that.

You were about to hang up, not wanting to waste more precious time. Though he spoke before you could top the button. "Yeah, What do you need help with?" Weird. Was he not mad at you? Was he okay with you? Or was he just hiding his emotions?

"Well uhm. See I'm kind of getting evicted and I need to buy a house like less than 1 week and be moved out..." that sounds harder when you say it out loud. Diego can't help with that, he needs to train and take care of himself. You're selfish, actually, you should just hang up right now.

Silence was heard again.

"You know what? Never mind. You don't got to help I don't want to bring you into this mess-"

"No! No It's okay. I will help." You we're shocked on how much he wanted to help. Why would Diego(a guy who's hated you for years) want to help you in buying a new house? You sort of felt...special? Like if you actually meant something to him.

You stayed quiet for a second. "Really? Diego I don't want you to joke around I actually don't have time." You warned. Diego franticly assured you.

"No, no, no no. I'm not joking. You uhm, you said you needed a house?" Diego asked. His voice was low and quiet like he was unsure about something. "Yes." You said.

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