(27) Without You

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6 weeks later

Today is 1 month and a half since you came back to America. Everything seemed to be going great, but to your luck the one person you cared about (besides your mom) left to Mexico.

It sucked. You had no one else to talk to, besides Kevin but you like hanging out and talking in person rather on the phone. You just liked communicating in person but you knew no one at all. You've never been the popular type for friends in school or in collage or anything like that. You were seen as the 'insanely pretty girl with 2 friends'.

Those two friends were fake and you hadn't had any really at all in a while. Up until now when you reunited with Kevin you haven't had any friends. Just focusing on school and finding jobs. Which payed off, but maybe you should have partied a little bit more. Anyway, you've found a hobby in working out. You never really worked out considering how much time and effort you put into your studies, but since your past that working out was needed.

You would start with a 2 hour workout, then you would do 2 hours of soccer. By the end of it your legs were sore, as well as your glutes. Within these 4 weeks you could already see drastic changes in your body. More curves, and sharper jaw. Your diet changed as well because you needed to maintain your health, but over all you were the healthiest you've been in a while.

You've also used different products for your acne, which helped like magic. It's not completely gone, but it's getting there. Your skin had actually been a lot better since you moved, sometimes you wonder if you should just start a new life in America because if you did that would be a good start. Though of course, that's just dreams and fantasies. You don't think you would actually do it.

You and Val have been going good to. Random check ups just like Kevin does, and making sure that you are good and stuff. Although you and Val did have some...times with him, you never really did anything sexual. Oh who am I kidding y'all were horny asf through the screen.

Although I won't say what y'all did...you guys can get the picture. Anyways, your relationship with him has been good. The only conversation you had that was awkward was after you hung up on Diego(which you desperately hope he didn't hear what happened).

After you hung up

You tossed your phone to the side and let Val do his thing, you got to admit, you didn't think you and Val would get this far in only a month. But honestly who cares, as long it's not sex then we good.

Even though this man was all up on you, you couldn't help but think and worry about Diego. I mean it was obvious something was happening, did Diego catch on? What did he do? What if he tells the team and spreads rumors like last time?

Eventually Val caught on that you were worried. It wasn't that hard to tell, your fist were curled up and your body was stiff. Your breathing was heavy and you didn't seem to comfortable at all.
The curiousness ended up getting to him, making him question your behavior on a man.

"Who's Diego?" He sternly asked. You snapped out of your gaze and looked down at him to see his curious face. You cleared your throat and sat up, not caring if you were only in a bra and underwear.

"He's just some guy I work with. Don't worry about him he's not my type. At all." You told. Val seemed to be pleased with that answer and started to go back to where he was. But talking about Diego got you thinking about him, and with Val touching you, you started to compare.

Even if Val's tongue and lips felt good, and his touch that felt amazing, nothing can compare to Diego's warm, fuzzy, touch. Even though Diego felt better, you kept him out because you would never be with him. Not even if you wanted to.

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