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Your eyes laid down on his.

That look in his eyes...it was something different. You couldn't pin an emotion on to what he was feeling, though it wasn't anything good, that's for sure. With his eyes narrowed on to your face, his eyebrows furred down and his nostrils flared.

Though, a light smile was on his face.

Kevin sat Diego down, the two of them in front of you and Val. "How's it going?" Kevin asked, adjusting his clothes and fixing his hair. Your jaw was dropped, in complete shock that Kevin would bring Diego.

You looked to Val who was just staring at Diego. Oh right, you had left Val for Diego that day, he probably doesn't like Diego that much now. You felt a shiver travel down your spine, not liking the moment you were in right now.

You just watched Val and Diego stare at each other. Diego clenched his jaw extra hard, his eyes beamed onto Val, and his breathing was erotic. While Val was just staring back at him, mostly in confusion.

You clicked your tongue. "Good, we're all doing good, right?" You shot Val a toothy smile and talked through your teeth. Val slowly turned his head towards you, he then caught your momentum and nodded historically, smiling at Kevin.

Kevin grinned, though his eyebrows seemed to twitch at Val. "Okay, let's just start off with some basic things. How about where we are all from? Country wise." Kevin suggested.

You were about to say something, it's such an obvious answer, Mexico! But you stopped yourself from ruining any bonding time for the men, they were going to need it.

"Okay, I'm from Mexico. Val! Where are you from my boy?" Kevin asked, his voice high pitch with enthusiasm.

Val raised his eyebrows at the attack, fumbling over his words. "Uh, I uhm. Mexico! Yeah. Heh." Val was getting nervous, breathing a little bit faster than normal. You felt bad for the guy, he probably has extreme social anxiety.

You frowned at him, slightly brushing over his thigh and looking at him in some way to comfort him. Val felt the slight touch, and tried his best to calm down. It sadden you to see him have such an awkward experience with Kevin, and Diego who has yet to talk.

"Okay! Great, next question!" Kevin said, never leaving the excitement in his vocals.

"But Y/n didn't get to go, and that guy over there-"

"I said next question." Kevin sternly said.

Val immediately shut his mouth, and nodded at Kevin. It didn't catch you long to realize that he wanted validation from these men, well at least from Kevin. Not out of a weird way, but out of honorarium. To think about it, Diego and Kevin were famous people. You shouldn't be surprised at this, yet you were. You had just forgotten over time that Kevin and Diego were favorites from many.

"So, who here has been in multiple relationships? Val you go first!" Kevin said.

Val was caught off guard, slowly catching on that he was getting targeted. "I've only been in 2. Besides y/n, of course." He said, obvious sweat starting to form on his forehead at the pressure.

Val gave you a lovely look, smiling down at you and looking into your eyes. You smiled back and resisted the urge to just kiss his dark lips.

Gaining slight confidence, Val looked back at Kevin with a proud look. "How about you? Are you and uhm, the guy next to you dating?" He asked, genuine.

Kevin's happy face slowly washed down into a deep frown.

You looked straight to Diego, who's resting bitch face was wiped clean off. His eyes were widened and you could see his smile lines from within a frown, something you found fascinating.

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