(16) Tease

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"Y/n oh my gosh I'm so glad I found you." Diego whispered against your hair. You cringed and pushed him away and adjusted your clothes.

You been purposely avoiding and ignoring Diego. Sort of like everyday, but you ignored him because he wanted to talk. You were tired and fed up with him and his girlfriend that would give you stares whenever she saw you.

You noticed that he did seem desperate to find you. Kevin told you that Diego begged him to call you. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of that, which was weird.

You wondered why he wanted to talk so bad.

"What?" You asked. Diego pulled you close to him, gripping your waist and bringing you hip-to-hip with him. To Diego, he didn't find anything wrong and sexual about this action, but to you, your stomach swarmed with butterflies.

You were resisting the urge to just pull him and kiss his lips with all your force. But at the same time, you wanted to smash his head against the closing metal thing.

His fingers slightly massaged your hips by rolling and squeezing from time to time as he whispered in your ear. You found this super attractive and you felt yourself start to become weak to your knees. Your heart was beating and your body was very excited at such a touch.

"Follow me. Please." He begged. You replayed his little whimper in your head, hearing him beg over and over again in your brain. His voice could have done wonders to your mind. His lips teased your sensitive skin as he pulled away from your face. You felt shivers travel down your spine, making you quiver in amazement.

Diego knew what he was doing. He knew how touch deprived you were. He knew how desperate your body needed his touch, or any man's touch for that matter. He could easily tell that you hadn't got action in a while from the way you would linger your body around when he touched you in the slightest way.

It was obvious to him. You hadn't realized how noticeable it was until Diego showed up, but damn you needed dick. Diego's touch was not helping either, in fact it just made it worse. You wanted to hate him so bad, but you just can't.

He did this on purpose. He touched you on purpose, he knew how you get, and he used that to his advantage. Maybe sometimes he would do it for his own pleasure, but most of the time when he would get all soft with you Is when he needed something.

Today, he needed to talk to you. Asap.

He noticed how you ignored him, that's not a big surprise to him because you always do. But today he needed to talk to you, and it probably won't be a comfortable discussion.

So he waited until your shift was over so he could snatch you up.

"Get in my car. We're going to go to my house and I'm going to talk to you, okay?" He ordered. You nodded at his words like you were hipnotizad by his voice. The raspiness in his vocals made you crazy in the head. His fingers purposely traveled slowly down at your reveled thighs.

His eyes darted from one of your eye to another. You did the same until you shook your head and cleared your throat. "I'm not going to go to your house." You stated. He smiled, knowing that your trying to fight back your thoughts.

"Pleaseee." He pleaded. You smiled at him before dropping that smile and changed it into a straight face. "Alright. Don't expect me to be all nice to you." You told him.

Diego smiled and lead you to his car, opening the door for you and shutting it close. You heard Diego walk to the other side before opening the driver seat and sitting in.

He turned on the car and drove to his house. You were quiet on the whole way there, occasionally pointing out things you saw out the window that were short and say 'hey I found your twin'.

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