(34) Leftovers

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Yeah, that was his last straw

Diego watched, so closely. His jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed. Not to long ago his hand were on your waist.

But now you were with him. You were with Jude, almost every girls dream. Diego saw how happy you looked. Looking deep into his eyes, and finding that little spark. Diego couldn't help but feel jealous. He wanted to be with you, he wanted to be the one dancing with you on the dance floor. But you decided to lose his trust and go dance with some other guy.

You can't just do that? Did whatever you and Diego shared over there mean nothing to you at all? Why were you so happy after leaving Diego like that? And why did it pain him so much? Why did he want it to actually happen? Why did his body crave for your hands, for your mouth, for your body?

Maybe Diego should've rubbed on you a little more back in the room. To get his cologne all over you. To let other men know who's been with you first. Maybe he should've let a hicky on your neck, or chest, or anywhere the public could see. He just wanted to let everyone know that you were with him.

He wanted people to know that your beautiful body, face , personality was with him. But now it's to late, and you're already dancing with another guy. How could you not feel disgusted by yourself? Could you not feel an ick? Because Diego could. The thought of dancing with another girl didn't sit right with him, but I guess with you, you don't feel that.

He watched Jude whisper something in your ear, and you chuckled. Ew, Diego could not stand this anymore. He got up and went to his friends, hoping that the dwelling pain would leave his system.

Diego sat by Edson, and enjoyed his company. Edson could till as soon as Diego sat down that something was wrong, though he already knew what happened. Edson watched you two go into that room, and then you leave with a snugged smirk. Edson didn't want to Diego even more mad, then he already is.

When a couple for songs ended, you and Jude said your goodbyes and walked away. That's probably the best dance you have ever hade before. His body in the same motion as yours, and his legs knew where to step. Hopefully this won't be the last time you see him.

You turned around to see Diego staring at you, you felt a little bit uncomfortable and tried to run away. But Diego caught up to you, he stilled your movements and spoke in your ear.

"You don't have to like me. But please don't go around dancing with other men." His soft gentle voice was enough to consume you all together. You almost wanted to obey his words, you almost wanted to assure him that he had nothing to worry about. But no, you can't let him have that satisfaction just yet.

"I'll do what I want. And if I want Jude, I'm going to have him." You scolded. Diego didn't seem to like that answer, his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed at you.

But then, his expression changed. His eyes grew and his smile showed. He almost looked a little too hot when he looked at you like that. "Fine, you can have him. Lux is better anyways." You scuffed at him and walked away, not believing what he said. Was leaving him in that room like that not enough? Do you have to do more for him to leave you alone?

Throughout the whole party, it was more dancing, sinning, and yeah. You didn't see Diego for the rest of the time, and you wondered if he was going to pop out of nowhere again. You sort of wanted him to pop out of nowhere.

But never mind, because he never did. The party ended and you went back to your apartment. You were to tired to do anything else, not even take off your dress. You just thought about Diego's lips, Diego's face, his body. You shouldn't went through with it! How were you Able to reset his body? Props to you because that was some serious self control.

Your mind then began to wonder off again, thinking about what would have happened if you did go with it. Would you get to see him like that? So pretty with his mouth opened, it's what you wanted.

No, he's just bullshit. The one time you look good is when he wants to start putting his hands all over you, the one time you get dressed up he wants to follow you around. He's only attached to your looks, he doesn't like you. He probably doesn't even want you, just only for your looks.

And then he had the audacity to come and tell you what to do, like what? It doesn't make sense. You felt proud of yourself for what you did. He deserved it. But yet he seemed to he fine with it.

You closed your eyes. You didn't want to keep thinking about him. Especially when you had a game tomorrow to attend.


You woke up, still in the dress and already late. Maybe you should have left earlier, it doesn't matter now though, you just need to go to do your work.

You quickly took off your dress and washed your face, got other comfortable close, and went out. No makeup, no hair done, just plain you. You wanted to see if Diego would still have that attitude when your bare.

Once you arrived to the stadium, you looked for Diego. He was starting, surprisingly. You waited for the game to start. You were just watching, looking at him warm up, looking at him interact with his fans. When the game finally started, you keep your eyes on him.

The first 5 minutes mexico got scored on, and it was Lowkey Diego's fault. You could practically see the anger in his face, and if that wasn't enough he kicked the floor out of anger.

His game was bad, he keep letting players go by and people even booed him. You could see the frustration in his eyes, you even consider to boo with the crowed. That actually isn't a bad idea, when Diego took a glance at you, you booed him.

He had a bad game, because he let 2 goals go by in the first half, and missed 3 times. Bro was stressing on the field. And you enjoyed seeing him stress out, for the first time you saw him actually frustrated.

Diego ended up being subbed off, and that was the best decision. They scored in the second half 3 times and won. Ouch, that's got to hurt.

When the game ended you went to go refill your water bottle, you heard movement and saw Diego walk in. His eyebrows nit down, and his chest breathing up and down rapidly.

"Awe, are you mad cause you suck?" You taunted. Diego looked at you for a second and then looked away.

"You're not funny." He mumbled.

"I'm not trying to be-"

He kissed you. And this time you knew you wouldn't be able to rest it.


Quick chapter because i won't be having internet today so yeah.

I also renamed some chapters from lyrics

Also next chapters going to be interesting.

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