(26) Conversation

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"Val, you leave tomorrow. You have to go home." You whined in his ear.

Val sighed and put on his shirt from the stand. You bit your lip as you watched him slowly put his shirt back on. Man he was so hot. You felt so lucky to have him next to you.
The smell of candles and cake made your mind go crazy. He smelt so good, his abs were amazing and his hair was soft. You lusted over him in private as he put his clothes back on.

"You're such a cock blocker." He mumbled. You and him haven't had sex yet, though it's been on your mind a lot. You haven't had that type of time and chance to, and even then you just didn't feel ready. Not to mention it's been a good while since you had it. And when you did it was when you lost your virginity.

So yeah, you didn't know if you wanted your second time to be like your first. Because your first time was a mistake. A huge one. You didn't want that to happen, so that's why you look out for who you share your body with. Many people just give it to whoever whenever but you are a little bit different about that.

Originally you wanted to save yourself until marriage but things didn't go your way. It wasn't rape or anything of that sort. It was just young dumb you who was stupid and gave a little boy your card. Anyways, you tried your best until you know for sure that you want to have sex with the right man.

Val finished up putting his clothes back on. You frowned at him and closed your eyes, trying your best to not start crying for forgiveness because of how stingy you were being. Poor guy, probably just wants to be inside you and you won't let him.

That's a guilt you will have for a while.

"I'll text you as much as I can, I promise." Val promised. You and Val weren't official. He hasn't asked you out and you sure as hell won't. I guess you're just waiting for his question so you can scream a 'yes!' Because you haven't felt this way about a guy in gosh knows how long. His vibe is great and I guess you and him just clicked together.

"Mhmk." You mumbled. Val kissed you on your head and turned to the other side. Good thing you will be going back soon anyways. You don't know how long you were going to take.

"You should've just went to Mexico on your original date." You said. You heard movement behind you and a groan. Val had switched his moving thing to that month because for reasons you don't know. Originally he was going to go in 3 months, now he's leaving tomorrow which stressed you out because you have go 1 month without him. Which sucked to you because you love your chemistry with him.

"It's only 1 month. You can deal with it." Val encouraged. You sighed and fixed the blanket in your cold,bare shoulders. By now another 2 weeks has passed and it's been 4 weeks and a half since you left, honestly you would want to go back home right now if it wasn't for your mom. It's not like you hate her, but even with a doctors 'okay' you still want to make sure she's fine before you leave.

And you tried to be with her almost 100% of your time, but obviously that's almost impossible because you need your own time to. So you try to be constant with the check ups on her and making sure she's doing all right. Also, she needs her own time to. It would be annoying if your daughter would stay next to you 24/7 and watch your every move. So in a way, you were benefiting for both of you.

As your mind drifted off, you thought of a man who hasn't been on your mind that much lately. Diego. You thought for sure you would think about him a lot in Mexico because of your confused feelings for him, but I guess not because you haven't thought that much about him. Actually, you haven't even talked to him since 2 weeks ago in that weird encounter.

I mean, you sometimes still wonder why he went silent on the call when you congratulated him instead of teasing you. You weren't complaining anyways, it was good to have that break from his nonsense because that would drive you crazy. This trip was actually beneficial for both you and Diego.

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